Popis předmětu - BE5B99CPL
BE5B99CPL | C Programming Language | ||
Role: | PV | Rozsah výuky: | 2P+2C+5D |
Katedra: | 13136 | Jazyk výuky: | EN |
Garanti: | Faigl J. | Zakončení: | Z,ZK |
Přednášející: | Krajník T., Prokop Y. | Kreditů: | 6 |
Cvičící: | Blaha J., Krajník T., Prokop Y., Ulrich J. | Semestr: | Z |
Webová stránka:
The course provides complete knowledge of the C programming language regarding a program structure operation, memory access, and multi-thread applications. The course emphasis a ?good? programming style to develop clean, easy-to-read, and re-usable code. Students are introduced into the process of the source code compilation and active debugging. Lectures introduce basic code structures and demonstration applications which link together partial constructs and practical coding aiming for cleanliness and structure of the source code, computational efficiency optimized using code profiling and debugging. Students are introduced into the fundamental principles of parallel multi-thread programming, synchronization mechanism and multi-thread application models. The end of the course presents introduction to principles of object oriented programming and C++.Osnovy přednášek:
1. | C programming language basics, language characteristics, compilation model, syntax, structure of program and function. | |
2. | Data types ? memory alignment, declarations, operators, statements and code flow control structures | |
3. | Commands, standard input/output operations. Functions, macros, preprocessing and standard libraries | |
4. | Pointers, static and dynamic memory allocations; arrays and strings; multi-dimensional arrays; functions and parameter passing (call by value, call by reference) - stack | |
5. | Structures and unions, enumeration types and their internal representation | |
6. | Modules, projects, control of compilation (makefiles) conditional compilation ? application example | |
7. | Files, interface ? binary and text files, direct and sequential access to the files | |
8. | Program debugging, exception handling, | |
9. | History of C language ? versions and standards, ANSI C, C99, C11, extensions, cross platform compatibility, compilers | |
10. | Parallel programming ? multi-thread programming, methods and synchronizations primitives | |
11. | Parallel programming ? multi-thread application models | |
12. | Main differences between C and C ++ | |
13. | Object oriented programming principles: class, object, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance | |
14. | Software project management and version control software |
Osnovy cvičení:
During practical exercises students learn and exercise programming style to be able to independently develop clean, cross-platform usable code which will be tested not only on a personal computer but also at dedicated embedded boards such as Raspberry Pi. Students gain points for every successfully evaluated task and written programming tests. The points are given for correctness of the code, its effectiveness, and the quality of the source code is evaluated together with the code cleanliness and possibility of its reusability.Literatura:
.N. King: C Programming A Modern Approach, Second Edition. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008 Sedgewick, Wayne: Algorithms (4th Edition), 2011, ISBN 978-0321573513Požadavky:
Basic knowledge of programming and algorithms is expected as taught in ?Algoritmy a programování?.Předmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:
Plán | Obor | Role | Dop. semestr |
BEECS | Před zařazením do oboru | PV | 3 |
BPEECS_2018 | Před zařazením do oboru | PV | 3 |
Stránka vytvořena 14.9.2024 17:50:41, semestry: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Z,L/2023-4, L/2024-5, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů | Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |