Popis předmětu - BE5B34MIK
BE5B34MIK | Microcontrollers | ||
Role: | P | Rozsah výuky: | 2P+2L |
Katedra: | 13134 | Jazyk výuky: | EN |
Garanti: | Janíček V. | Zakončení: | Z,ZK |
Přednášející: | Janíček V., Teplý T. | Kreditů: | 6 |
Cvičící: | Teplý T. | Semestr: | L |
Webová stránka:
The goal of this course is to make students acquainted with recent interesting applications, smart sensors circuits and peripherals handled by microcontrollers. In a lab students will program their own application and measure its properties. Because of usage of a programming language C it will be possible to focus on the practical part of the realization.Osnovy přednášek:
1. | The basic terms of microprocessor techniques and architecture of microcontrollers, input/output settings, LED and push button control. | |
2. | Programming microcontrollers in C language, development environment and its possibilities, time-division multiplexing, seven-segment displays, matrix keyboard. | |
3. | Interrupt control operation, sources, interrupt vectors and priorities, incremental encoders. | |
4. | Graphic, alphanumerical and LED display control touch panels, capacitive touch sensors. | |
5. | Analog signal processing and control, AD and DA converters, voltage references. | |
6. | Software and hardware timing. | |
7. | Smart sensor applications, SPI, I2C, 1-Wire. | |
8. | Instruction set, assembler language, program and data memory, direct and indirect addressing, program run control, pipelining, conditional and unconditional branching. | |
9. | Communication between PC and microcontroller, USART, USB, RS-232, RS-422, RS-485. | |
10. | Processing of measured data, look-up tables, number conversion. | |
11. | Control and regulation of low power motors (DC, stepper and servomotors), capture and compare modules, PWM. | |
12. | GSM and GPS applications, RF identification and wireless sensor data transfer (Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi, IR), AT commands. | |
13. | Memory space extension, external memories and memory media. | |
14. | Configuration bits, clock signal sources, software and hardware solution of complex system stability and security, how to program a microcontroller, bootloader. |
Osnovy cvičení:
1. | Introduction to the development environment, hardware and software switch debouncing, LED and push button control. | |
2. | Matrix keyboard, seven-segment display, multiplex mode. | |
3. | Interrupt control operation, priorities. | |
4. | Graphic and alphanumerical displays. | |
5. | AD converter applications, analog temperature sensor, DA converter. | |
6. | Analog sensors (resistive touch panel, 3-axis accelerometer). | |
7. | I2C communication (EEPROM, temperature and humidity sensor, proximity sensor). | |
8. | SPI communication (pressure sensor, 3-axis gyroscope, DA convertor). | |
9. | Microcontroller to PC communication (UART, RS232, USB). | |
10. | RS-485 communication. | |
11. | Stepper motors (including micro stepping), servomotors and DC motors applications. | |
12. | RFID applications. | |
13. | Data transfer via Bluetooth, ZigBee and WiFi. | |
14. | GPS and GSM modules data receiving and processing, AT commands. |
1. | Robert B.Reese: Microprocessors From Assembly Language to C Using The PIC18Fxx2, Da Vinci Engineering Press, Hingham Massachusetts 2005 | |
2. | Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1988 |
Předmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:
Plán | Obor | Role | Dop. semestr |
BEECS | Před zařazením do oboru | P | 4 |
BPEECS_2018 | Před zařazením do oboru | P | 4 |
Stránka vytvořena 14.9.2024 17:50:41, semestry: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Z,L/2023-4, L/2024-5, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů | Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |