Popis předmětu - BE2M31DSPA
BE2M31DSPA | Digital Signal Processing | ||
Role: | PV, PS, P | Rozsah výuky: | 2P+2C |
Katedra: | 13131 | Jazyk výuky: | EN |
Garanti: | Pollák P. | Zakončení: | Z,ZK |
Přednášející: | Pollák P. | Kreditů: | 6 |
Cvičící: | Pollák P. | Semestr: | Z |
Webová stránka:
The subject gives overview about basic methods of digital signal processing and their applications (examples from speech and biological signal processing): disrete-time signals and systems, signal characteristics in time and frequency domain, Fourier transform, fast algorithms for DFT computation, introduction to digital filter design, digital filtering in time and frequency domain, decimation and interpolation and their usage in filter banks, basics of LPC analysis. Further details can be found at <a href=http://noel.feld.cvut.cz/vyu/be2m31dspa>http://noel.feld.cvut.cz/vyu/be2m31dspa</a> .Cíle studia:
Students should acquire theoretical and practical experiences about basic DSP techniques and the most frequent applications. Simple implementations and simulations of basic DSP methods in MATLAB environment are solved in seminars of the subject.Osnovy přednášek:
1. | Introduction to DSP. Sampling theorem. | |
2. | Basic characteristics of digital signals. | |
3. | Autocorrelation and crosscorrelation functions | |
4. | Fourier transform of discrete signal. | |
5. | Properties of DFT, fast algorithms for DFT computation. | |
6. | Spectral characteristics of stachastic and non-stationary signals. | |
7. | Signal and system reprezentation in Z-domain | |
8. | Digital Filtering I - FIR filters. | |
9. | Digital filtering II - IIR filters. | |
10. | Digital filtering in the frequency domain. | |
11. | Basics of multi-band signal processing. | |
12. | Basics of parametric methods of signal processing. | |
13. | DSP applications in speech and biological signal processing. Signal compression. | |
14. | Reserve. |
Osnovy cvičení:
1. | Introduction to MATLAB and other tools | |
2. | Computation of basic time-domain characterstics in MATLAB | |
3. | Autocorrelation analysis and its applications | |
4. | Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties, interpolation, zero-padding | |
5. | Spectral analysis of deterministic signals | |
6. | Spectral analysis of stochastic and non-stationary signals | |
7. | Discrete-time systems: basic properties, frequency repsonse | |
8. | Design of digital FIR filters | |
9. | Design of digital IIR filters | |
10. | Digital filtering in frequency domain | |
11. | Implementation of signal segmentation (OLA, OLS)Parametric metods of DSP | |
12. | Basics of multi-band signal processing | |
13. | Parametric metods of DSP | |
14. | Reserve |
[1] | Oppenheim, A.V., Shafer, R.W.: Discrete-Time Signal Processing. 3rd edition. Prentice-Hall, 2009 | |
[2] | Vaseghi S.V..: Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction. 4th edition. Wiley, 2008 | |
[3] | The MathWorks: MATLAB User's and Reference Guides. |
Bases of signal and system theory with necessary mathematical background are supposed as preliminary knowledge.Klíčová slova:
discrete-time signal, digital signal, DFT, autocorrelation, spectral analysis, digital systems, digital filtering, linear predictive analysisPředmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:
Stránka vytvořena 7.9.2024 12:50:57, semestry: L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Z,L/2023-4, Z/2024-5, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů | Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |