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AE1M16LOG Business Logistics
Role:  Rozsah výuky:2+2s
Katedra:13116 Jazyk výuky:EN
Garanti:  Zakončení:Z,ZK
Přednášející:  Kreditů:5
Cvičící:  Semestr:Z


Logistics as an integrated system in the structure of business management. Logistics as a part of business strategy. Fundamentals of modern concepts and approaches in logistics. Management, cooperation in supply chain logistics, integrated control systems. Methods applied to flow control and evaluation of elementary parameters of logistics. Logistics market. Logistics integration including its legal, ecological and economical aspects.

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: AE1M16LOG

Osnovy přednášek:

1. Concepts of logistics and its evolution.
2. Material flow management.
3. Elements of logistics system, supply chain, logistics connections.
4. Customer services.
5. Logistics costs.
6. Transportation systems.
7. Logistics technologies.
8. Passive elements in logistics systems.
9. Active elements in logistics systems.
10. Logistics functions and objectives.
11. Information flow in supply chain logistics.
12. E-commerce.
13. Modern trends in logistics.
14. Planning, implementation and evaluation of logistics projects.

Osnovy cvičení:

1. Objectives and concepts of logistics.
2. Logistical chains.
3. Organization of logistics in business.
4. Integration of material flow.
5. Selection of transportation systems.
6. Selection of warehousing and sales system.
7. Indexes of economical valuation.
8. Forms of E-business.
9. E-business.
10. Application of B2C.
11. Application of B2B.
12. Efficiency of E-business.
13. New directions, practises CASE.
14. CRM Textures.


1. Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., Helferich, O. K.: Logistical Management,. McGraw-Hill 1996
2. Donald J. Bowerson, David J. Closs: Logistical Management - The integrated Supply Chain Process, McGraw-Hill,2005
3. Edward Frazelle: Supply Chain Strategy, McGraw Hill, 2007


viz. https://ekonom.feld.cvut.cz/web/index.php?option=com_content&;task=section&id=7&Itemid=236


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6s

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Stránka vytvořena 3.7.2024 07:51:04, semestry: Z/2024-5, Z,L/2023-4, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)