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AE1M16JAK Quality management
Role:  Rozsah výuky:2+2s
Katedra:13116 Jazyk výuky:EN
Garanti:  Zakončení:Z,ZK
Přednášející:  Kreditů:5
Cvičící:  Semestr:Z

Webová stránka:



Concept of Quality, History of quality management (QM), Current approaches to QM, Approach to quality in EU and CR, Quality management system (QMS) based on ISO 9001, Process management, Quality planning, Metrology in QM, Control of documents and records, Internal audits of QMS, Continual improvement of QMS, Integrated management, Statistic methods in QM, Accreditation and certification

Osnovy přednášek:

1. History of quality management (QM), quality, main principles
2. Current approaches to QM, company and industry standards
3. EU approach to QM, situation in CR, legal frame of QM
4. Quality management system (QMS) based on ISO 9001
5. Management responsibility in QM
6. Resource management in QMS
7. QM during product realization - customer importance
8. QM during product realization - purchasing, control of production and service provision
9. Measurement, analysis and improvement in QM
10. Continual improvement of QMS, customer satisfaction
11. Control of nonconforming product
12. QMS implementation and certification
13. Accreditation and certification
14. Reserve lecture

Osnovy cvičení:

1. Quality characteristics, Quality management system (QMS)
2. TQM, Quality awards
3. Process management
4. Requirements for documented QMS, control of documents and records
5. Quality planning
6. Quality control during product realization - planning
7. QM during product realization - design and development
8. Metrology in QM
9. Internal audit of QMS
10. Case studies - nonconformities and their origins
11. Integrated management (EMS, ISMS,...)
12. Statistic methods in QM
13. Selected TQM methods
14. Reserve seminart


1. Jandera, J., Handouts for lectures (available on the web page of the class)
2. Dale, B.G., Managing Quality. Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall International Ltd., 1994. ISBN 0-13-555145-5.
3. Kanji, G. K, M. Asher, 100 Methods for Total Quality Management. London, SAGE Publications Ltd., 1996.
4. Nanda, V.: Quality management system handbook for product development companies, CRC Press, New York 2005, ISBN 1-57444-352-6



Předmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:

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Stránka vytvořena 3.7.2024 09:51:09, semestry: L/2023-4, Z/2024-5, Z/2023-4, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)