Popis předmětu - AE1M16FIM

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AE1M16FIM Financial Management
Role:  Rozsah výuky:2+2c
Katedra:13116 Jazyk výuky:EN
Garanti:  Zakončení:Z,ZK
Přednášející:  Kreditů:6
Cvičící:  Semestr:L


Principles of finance, present value and alternative cost of capital, net present value, valuation of bonds and stocks, investment decision and net present value, risk and alternative cost of capital, risk and return, lease or buy, taxes, inflation and return, financial and real options, option valuation and application, hedging, short term finance, cash flow management.

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: AE1M16FIM

Osnovy přednášek:

1. Introduction of finance, present value, opportunity cost.
2. Annuity, perpetuity, compounded and simple interests.
3. Long term finance. Stock and bonds price.
4. Investment efficiency evaluation techniques. IRR, NPV.
5. The comparing period, an equivalent annual value.
6. Decision making with NPV.
7. Inflation and tax influence to investment decision.
8. Project is not a black box.
9. Capital assets pricing model. Basics of portfolio theory.
10. Capital markets models.
11. Analysis of sensitivity and risk analysis. Financial risk.
12. Options, hedge position, option valuation.
13. Short term financial plans and decision making.
14. Other financial problems.

Osnovy cvičení:

1. Spreadsheets revision focused on financial management.
2. Financial calculus.
3. Loans. Kinds of interests.
4. Depreciation. Tax shield. Homework assignment.
5. NPV and IRR calculations. Mutual eliminate investments.
6. Taxes, finance and NPV.
7. Inflation influence. Case study.
8. Bonds and stock price. Model with constant growth.
9. Expected return and standard deviation of portfolio. Risk free return.
10. Market portfolio. Securities line. Portfolio with maximal return.
11. Reading of financial news.
12. Quiz. Homework deadline.
13. Homework discussion.
14. Put and call options.


1. Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C.: Principles of Corporate Finance. McGraw-Hill. 2007
2. Bodie, Z., Kane, A., Marcus, A.J.: Investments. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 2006


A1M16FIU + knowledge from one of the following courses EPD, UFI, FIP from bachelor study https://ekonom.feld.cvut.cz/en/student/courses/financial-management https://moodle.fel.cvut.cz/courses/A1M16FIM


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6c

Předmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:

Plán Obor Role Dop. semestr

Stránka vytvořena 3.7.2024 09:51:09, semestry: L/2023-4, Z/2024-5, Z/2023-4, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)