Popis předmětu - AE1M13SVS
AE1M13SVS | Simulation of Production Sytems | ||
Role: | Rozsah výuky: | 2P+2C | |
Katedra: | 13113 | Jazyk výuky: | EN |
Garanti: | Zakončení: | Z,ZK | |
Přednášející: | Kreditů: | 5 | |
Cvičící: | Semestr: | Z |
Webová stránka:
The course is focused at methods of static and dynamic models of processes and systems forming. Basic types of models are described and characterized. Models are built up using an analytical way on the basis of knowledge of relationships between parameters, or using an experimental way. Factorial experiments for qualitative variables are presented. Computer aided generation of mathematical models and simulation of dynamic behavior of processes and systems are described. Basic methods of component models compilation, assembly of a complete model are presented. The application on computer modeling and simulation of electrical, thermal and mechanical systems in power electrical engineering completes the lectures.Cíle studia:
Student se seznámí s vytvářením statických a dynamických modelů procesů, naučí se je optimalizovat.Osnovy přednášek:
1. | Classification of processes and systems for electrical production. | |
2. | Analysis, synthesis and optimization of processes and system, types of analyses. | |
3. | Basic types of models of processes and systems, model characteristics, model testing. | |
4. | Graphical forming of static models of processes and systems. | |
5. | Factorial experiments for qualitative variable, tables of dispersion analysis. | |
6. | Definition of contrasts and orthogonal contrasts, calculation, evaluation of factors influence. | |
7. | Simulation methods for static processes, analysis of simulation results. | |
8. | The analysis process of dynamic behavior of system components. Application of modeling and simulation. | |
9. | The mathematical model of a system in the state space, linear and linearized models. Examples. | |
10. | The transfer functions of mono- and multidimensional systems. Resulting transfer function of a decomposed system. Examples. | |
11. | Models of the nonelectrical systems - mechanical and thermal, equivalent electrical circuits. Examples. | |
12. | Identification of the model parameters from its dynamic behavior. Analysis of system behavior from its mathematical model. | |
13. | Application of the simulation on optimization of system dynamic behavior, evaluation of its quality. | |
14. | Analysis of dynamic system in frequency domain, frequency characteristics. Application on noise-suppressing filters. |
Osnovy cvičení:
1. | Solution of heat kinetics for forming of an analytical model I. | |
2. | Solution of heat kinetics for forming of an analytical model II. | |
3. | Composition and solution of an analytical model of an oven for heating of working gas. Analysis of a model. | |
4. | Optimization of a thickness of thermal insulation of an oven to minimize thermal losses using an analytical model. | |
5. | Graphical solution of static models. | |
6. | One-factorial experiments for qualitative variable, construction and calculation of orthogonal contrasts. | |
7. | Chemical kinetics, examples. | |
8. | Basic methods of computer modeling, program tools. | |
9. | Modeling of electrical systems, examples. | |
10. | Individual tasks of model assembling and simulation of electrical systems. | |
11. | Specialty of modeling of power semiconductor converters, examples. | |
12. | Examples of the models of mechanical and thermal systems. | |
13. | Individual tasks of model assembling and simulation of non-electrical systems. | |
14. | Assessment. |
1. | Sauer, W., Oppermann, M. et al.: Electronics Process Technology, Springer Verlag, 2006 | |
2. | Matlab & Simulink Tutorials. In: www.mathworks.com/academia/ |
Pro získání zápočtu z předmětu je podmínkou povinná aktivní účast na cvičeních, průběžné zpracování a akceptování zadaných dílčích úloh.Poznámka:
Student musí získat nejprve zápočet, aby byl připuštěn ke zkoušce. Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6c |
Klíčová slova:
system models, factorial experiments, computer-aided simulationPředmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:
Plán | Obor | Role | Dop. semestr |
Stránka vytvořena 18.9.2024 09:51:12, semestry: Z/2024-5, Z/2023-4, Z/2025-6, L/2023-4, L/2024-5, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů | Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |