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AE1M13EZF Electrochemical Sources and Photovoltaics
Role:  Rozsah výuky:2P+2L
Katedra:13113 Jazyk výuky:EN
Garanti:  Zakončení:Z,ZK
Přednášející:  Kreditů:5
Cvičící:  Semestr:Z

Webová stránka:



Photovoltaic sources. Operating principles, characteristics. Solar modules, construction and technology. Basic types of photovoltaic systems and their applications. Electrochemical sources of the electric power - overview. Primary cells and accumulators. Methods of accumulator charging. Sources for electrochemical production processes and their control. Automotive applications. Environmental aspects of the electrochemical sources and production processes.

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: AE1M13EZF

Cíle studia:

Seznámit studenty s problematikou elektrochemických a fotovoltaických zdrojů elektrické energie.

Osnovy přednášek:

1. Photovoltaic cells, basic structure and characteristics
2. Single-crystalline, poly-crystalline and thin film photovoltaic cells
3. Construction and technology of photovoltaic modules
4. Photovoltaic systems - basic types
5. Stand alone PV systems. Grid-on PV systems.
6. Optimisation of PV system operating conditions
7. Present trends, economical and ecological aspects
8. Independent electrochemical power sources. Fundamental terms.Primary cells
9. Accumulators - summary. Lead acid accumulators.
10. Alkaline NiCd and NiMH accumulators.
11. Lithium accumulators, automotive applications.
12. Standard and quick charging.
13. Uninterruptible Power Sources
14. Applications of accumulators for independent sources.

Osnovy cvičení:

1. Safety system and equipment of the laboratory.
2. Laboratory measurements on solar cells - explanation.
3. Comparison of V-A characteristics of different types of solar cells.
4. Temperature dependence of solar cell parameters.
5. Measurements of solar module characteristics.
6. Measurements on a solar module - dc/dc - dc/ac system.
7. Photovoltaic system design (simulation).
8. Discharging of primary cells.
9. Accumulators - measuring methods.
10. Design of the accumulator systems.
11. Charging characteristic of the accumulators.
12. Quick charging.
13. Discharging characteristics.
14. A credit.


[1] Goetberger, A., Knobloch, J. and Voss, B.: Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Chichester: J.Wiley & Sons. 1998
[2] Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering. Edited by A. Luque and S. Hegedus, John Wiley & Sons,2003


A student has to obtain a credit before an examination


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6l

Klíčová slova:

Primary cells, lead acid accumulators, alkaline accumulators, accumulators for special applications, accumulator charging, solar energy, solar spectra, photovoltaic effect, solar cels, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, off-grid systems, on-grid systems, thermoelectric effect, thermoelectric sources

Předmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:

Plán Obor Role Dop. semestr

Stránka vytvořena 18.9.2024 07:50:53, semestry: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Z,L/2023-4, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)