Popis předmětu - AE0M16HT2

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AE0M16HT2 History of science and technology 2
Role:V Rozsah výuky:2+2s
Katedra:13116 Jazyk výuky:EN
Garanti:  Zakončení:Z,ZK
Přednášející:  Kreditů:4
Cvičící:  Semestr:L


This subject traces historical developments in electrical engineering branches in the world and in the Czech Lands. Its ultimate goal is to stimulate students' interest in the history and traditions of the subject, while highlighting the developments in technical education and professional organizations, the process of shaping scientific life and the influence of technical engineers

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: AE0M16HT2

Osnovy přednášek:

1. Is Electrical Engineering a Technical Science?
2. Electricity - Mysterious Power.
3. Fireworks of Engineering Technology.
4. Foundation of the Czech Electrotechical Industry.
5. Czech Electrical Engineering School Systems. An International Comparison.
6. Electrical Engineering Unions in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
7. Status of the Engineer and Engineering Elites in 19th and 20th Cents.
8. Society.
9. Leading Personalities of Electrical Engineering.
10. Electrification of the Czechoslovakia.
11. V. List - manager of the Czech electrical Industry.
12. Cybernetics.
13. Computer world.
14. Mikrominiaturisation.
15. Technology Assesment

Osnovy cvičení:

1. Is Electrical Engineering a Technical Science?
2. Electricity - Mysterious Power.
3. Fireworks of Engineering Technology.
4. Foundation of the Czech Electrotechical Industry.
5. Czech Electrical Engineering School Systems. An International Comparison.
6. Electrical Engineering Unions in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
7. Status of the Engineer and Engineering Elites in 19th and 20th Cents.
8. Society.
9. Leading Personalities of Electrical Engineering.
10. Electrification of the Czechoslovakia.
11. V. List - manager of the Czech electrical Industry.
12. Cybernetics.
13. Computer world.
14. Mikrominiaturisation.
15. Technology Assesment


1. Paturi, F.R.: A Chronicle of Technology, Dortmund 1988.


viz. https://ekonom.feld.cvut.cz/web/index.php?option=com_content&;task=section&id=7&Itemid=236


Rozsah výuky v kombinované formě studia: 14p+6s

Předmět je zahrnut do těchto studijních plánů:

Plán Obor Role Dop. semestr
MEOES1 Komunikace a zpracování signálu V
MEOES3 Integrované elektronické systémy V
MEOES2 Vysokofrekvenční a digitální technika V

Stránka vytvořena 3.7.2024 07:51:04, semestry: Z/2024-5, Z,L/2023-4, připomínky k informační náplni zasílejte správci studijních plánů Návrh a realizace: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)