Completion: Cybernetics and Robotics - Passage through study, Plan: Cybernetics and Robotics 2016

Summary of Study | Summary of Branches | All Subject Groups | All Subjects | List of Roles | Explanatory Notes               Instructions
Summary of Programs Cybernetics and Robotics | Block summary of programs | Branch of this plan

Bachelor programme - Common courses

Study plan: Cybernetics and Robotics 2016
Recommended completion: Cybernetics and Robotics - Passage through study

1. semester
Role Subject Name Extent
of teaching
of teaching
Cred. Guarantors Teachers Dept.
P B0B01LAG Linear Algebra 4P+2S CS Z,ZK Z 8 Velebil J.   13101
P B0B01LGR Logic and Graphs 3P+2S CS Z,ZK Z,L 5 Demlová M.   13101
P B0B01MA1 Mathematical Analysis 1 4P+2S CS Z,ZK Z,L 7 Tkadlec J.   13101
P B3B04PSA Academic Writing 2C CS KZ Z 2 Juna Jennings P.   13104
P B3B33ALP Algorithms and Programming 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Vonásek V.   13133
P B3B35RO Robots 1P+2L CS KZ Z 2     13135

2. semester
Role Subject Name Extent
of teaching
of teaching
Cred. Guarantors Teachers Dept.
P B0B01DRN Differencial Equations and Numerical Analysis 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 4 Habala P.   13101
P B0B01MA2 Mathematical Analysis 2 4P+2S CS Z,ZK L,Z 7 Tišer J.   13101
P B3B02FY1 Physics 1 4P+1L+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Bednařík M.   13102
P B0B35APO Computer Architectures 2P+2L CS Z,ZK L 5 Píša P.   13135
P B3B36PRG Programming in C 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Faigl J.   13136
V   Elective subjects         2      

3. semester
Role Subject Name Extent
of teaching
of teaching
Cred. Guarantors Teachers Dept.
P B3B01KAT Complex Analysis and Transformations 4P+2S CS Z,ZK Z 7     13101
P B3B02FY2 Physics 2 3P+1L+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Bednařík M.   13102
P B3B31EPO Electronic Devices and Circuits 4P+2L CS Z,ZK Z 6 Hospodka J.   13131
P B3B31SAS Signals and Systems 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 5 Sovka P.   13131
P B0B35LSP Logic systems and processors 2P+2L CS Z,ZK L 6 Hurák Z.   13135

4. semester
Role Subject Name Extent
of teaching
of teaching
Cred. Guarantors Teachers Dept.
P B0B01PST Probability and Statistics 4P+2S   Z,ZK Z 7 Hájek P.   13101
P B3B33KUI Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Svoboda T.   13133
P B3B35ARI Automatic Control 4P+2L CS Z,ZK L 7     13135
P B3B38SME Sensors and Measurements 3P+2L CS Z,ZK L 6 Petrucha V., Ripka P.   13138
PV   Compulsory subjects of the programme         4      

5. semester
Role Subject Name Extent
of teaching
of teaching
Cred. Guarantors Teachers Dept.
P B3BPROJ4 Bachelor Project 4s CS Z Z 4 Hejtmanová D., Hlinovský M., Šipoš M., Zichová J.   13000
P B0B33OPT Optimization 4P+2C CS Z,ZK Z,L 7 Werner T.   13133
P B3B33ROB Robotics 2P+2L CS Z,ZK Z 5     13133
P B3B38KDS Communication and Distributed Systems 4P+2L CS Z,ZK Z 6 Novák J.   13138
PV   Compulsory subjects of the programme         8      

6. semester
Role Subject Name Extent
of teaching
of teaching
Cred. Guarantors Teachers Dept.
P BBAP16 Bachelor Thesis 15s CS Z L,Z 16     13000
P B3B04PRE Presentation Skills 2C CS KZ L 2 Juna Jennings P.   13104
PV   Compulsory subjects of the programme         8      
V   Elective subjects         4      

Page updated 14.3.2025 11:51:18, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, L/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)