Information for Erasmus Plus students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE)

Central CTU information

Erasmus+ and Exchange

Prospectus Courses

Specific information for FEE students




For login to Study information system (KOS):

Where can I find my timetable?

Your timetable is generated according to your Learning Agreement. We did our best to avoid conflicts in your timetable, however some may appear - they are indicated by double row. You can find it at
→ English → education → timetables → continue to this website → username + main access password → fel user's database → continue to this website → English → username or last name → then click search → below field click on the "student" in the table → at pop-up window enter username + main access password → your timetable

Where can I find timetable for other courses?

You can register only for Prospectus courses! Timetables of the FEE courses see on
→ English → education → timetables → continue to this website → username + main access password → subjects →choose department → click on active subject (non-active aren't available on this term) → subjects' timetable

How can I register for Prospectus courses taught by other faculties of the CTU?

For all courses you can register only at your home faculty.

Courses determined for Erasmus students intending to work on their bachelor/master thesis during their stay at the FEE CTU


Due to the rules of the Erasmus Programme, it is not possible to enroll in bachelor/master thesis courses at the FEE (these courses are intended for regular FEE degree students only). Erasmus students can take a one-semester project and enroll "Bachelor/Master project" course, which can be recognized at the home university.

The defence of the thesis must take place at the home university.


Just after the arrival (not later than during the 2nd week of the relevant semester), it is necessary to submit a request which must be approved by the tutor at the FEE (he fixes the workload, amount of awarded credits and the course code) and by the vice-dean. The registration of the project will be subsequently administrated by the Study office of the FEE.

Important: This project must finally be approved in the Learning Agreement!


Course / Number of credits
bachelor studyBEBPP10BEBPP15BEBPP20 BEBPP25 BEBPP30

Who is my Erasmus Exchange Contact Person at the Rector’s Office of the CTU?

Ms. Lucie Bílová
Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580, room: A-802a
Phone: (+420) 22435 3467

Where is the Study department of the FEE?

Study department of FEE is in Dejvice, Technická street No. 2 on the ground floor on the left from the main entrance to the building. There is "Studijní oddělení/Study Office" written on the door.

Your study officers are Ms. Peřichová and Ms. Kašparová.


Ms. Kašparová
Phone: (+420) 22435 5867

Ms. Peřichová
Phone: (+420) 22435 3915

When are the office hours?

The office hours are:

Monday 9 - 11.30 -
Tuesday - 13 - 15
Wednesday 9 - 11.30 13.30 - 15.30
Friday 9 - 11.30  

Important links:

Where is the main building of FEE?

The main building of FEE is in Dejvice, Technická street No. 2.

How to get to the main building of FEE?

The main building of FEE is close to the subway station Dejvická.
From the airport: bus No. 119, bus stop Nádraží Veleslavín and then by subway to the station Dejvická.
From main railway station (Hlavní nádraží): Take subway (red line C), at station Muzeum change for green line A, and get off at the station Dejvická.
From Strahov dormitories: bus No. 143, bus stop Dejvická (terminal station)

Where is the Karlovo náměstí building ("Karlák")?

Department of Computers (courses with code starting AE…36… or BE…36…)
Department of Cybernetics (AE…33… or BE…33…)
Department of Control Engineering (AE…35… or BE…35…)
and Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction (AE…39… or BE…39…)
and all teaching rooms with code letter "K" are located in the historical building of FEE at Karlovo náměstí (Charles Square) 13, Praha 2.

How to get to the Karlovo náměstí building ("Karlák")?

From Dejvická: Take subway (green line A), at station Můstek change for yellow line B, then go to the station Karlovo náměstí
From Strahov dormitories: bus No. 176, bus stop Karlovo náměstí (terminal station)

Share your feedback

We would like to hear your opinion on courses you took at our university. For logging into our teaching evaluation questionnaire you use your main CTU username and password (the same as for KOS). Upon logging in you will be presented with a list of courses you took, waiting for your feedback. Note that while you do use your ID to log in, this information is not saved along with your responses, so your answers will be completely anonymous. We appreciate your time and effor, your opinion counts.

Who is Vice-Dean for foreign students?

It is prof. Ing. Jiří Jakovenko, Ph.D.. Ms. Peřichová or Ms. Kašparová will arrange a meeting with him if you need it.