Subject description - B3B38KDS

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B3B38KDS Communication and Distributed Systems
Roles:P Extent of teaching:4P+2L
Department:13138 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Novák J. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Holub J., Novák J. Credits:6
Tutors:Sobotka J., Špaček M., Tomlain J. Semester:Z

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The subject is focused on communication principles used within the distributed systems (DS). Initially the physical layer media are described, including communication channel models and analog and digital modulation techniques. Information theory is introduced together with coding methods for error detection, correction and/or information security. Next the general link-layer algorithms are explained (addressing, media access control, flow control, ARQ methods ...). Finally the most widely used distributed systems technologies are presented together with the family of TCP/IP protocols and typical distributed systems applications.

Study targets:

To acquaint students with principles of communication within the distributed systems in order to be able to identify strong and weak points of particular technologies, to be able to use them in the right way and to be able to integrate them into large scale industrial control and data acquisition systems.


The subject is focused on communication principles used within the distributed systems (DS). Initially the physical layer media are described, including communication channel models and analog and digital modulation techniques. Information theory is introduced together with coding methods for error detection, correction and/or information security. Next the general link-layer algorithms are explained (addressing, media access control, flow control, ARQ methods ...). Finally the most widely used distributed systems technologies are presented together with the family of TCP/IP protocols and typical distributed systems applications.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction, basic terms, ISO/OSI model
2. Systems with distributed parameters, physical channel (metallic, optical and wireless) and its features
3. Communication channel models (AWGN, BSC, ...), narrowband analog and digital modulations
4. Spread-spectrum communication (DSSS, FHSS, OFDM …)
5. Information source entropy, source and channel coding, channel capacity
6. Error-detection and error-correction codes (finite fields, linear a cyclic codes)
7. Information security, symmetric and asymmetric ciphering
8. Application of ciphering algorithms, key distribution, certificates, digital signature
9. Data transfer types, multiplexing, media access control methods
10. Physical and logical topologies, ARQ methods, addressing and internetworking, industrial distributed systems and computer networks
11. Industrial distributed systems (virtual field device, object directory, ...)
12. Computer networks, IoT networks
13. TCP/IP protocol family
14. Reserved

Exercises outline:

Laboratories are focused on practical application of theory received at lectures. It is required for students first to study the laboratory task instructions and necessary literature and finally to prepare the report from measurement, containing measured results and their correct processing. Final results should be discussed and justified.
1. Introduction – safety in lab, schedule management
2. Frequency spectra of signals.
3. CRC error detection.
4. Parameters of metallic cables.
5. Optical communication.
6. Modulation.
7. TCP/IP network analysis.
8. EIA 485 technology evaluation.
9. Wireless network coverage modelling and its validation.
10.-14.  Individual project.


[1] Stallings, W.: Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall 2013
[2] Mir, N.F.: Computer and Communication Networks, Prentice Hall 2014


Linear algebra and calculus.


Distributed systems, Communication, Internet of Things, Computer networks

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPKYR_2016 Common courses P 5

Page updated 11.3.2025 11:51:31, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)