
Summary of Study | Summary of Branches | All Subject Groups | All Subjects | List of Roles | Explanatory Notes               Instructions
A | B | C | D | E | H | I | M | O | P | R | S | T

Aerospace Systems - 2612T072

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Applied Electrical Engineering - BPEEM118

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Applied Electrical Engineering - 2602R001

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Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science - BPOI118

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Artificial Intelligence - MPOI718

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Artificial Intelligence - MEOI718

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Audiovisual and Signal Processing - MPEK218

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Audiovisual Technology and Signal Processing - MEEK218

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Avionics - 3906T009

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Bioinformatics - MPBIO118

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Bioinformatics - MPOI818

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Bioinformatics - MEOI818

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Bioinformatics - MEBIO118

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Biomedical Engineering - 3901T009

The masters study program branch Biomedical engineering aims to educate electro-technical engineers with knowledge and abilities to solve engineering problems namely in the domain of design and construction of medical device for diagnostics and therapy, design and development of medical information and decision support systems. The program covers extensive area of advanced biomedical technologies, both of hardware and software. It concerns signal theory, methods of system modelling and simulation, image processing, complex medical data processing and interpretation, design and implementation of large health care information systems, design and realization of complex medical devices; complex view on the whole chain starting from a patient (measurement, examination methods) over data analysis to evaluation and interpretation and successive storage in health care records; engineering design and construction of medical devices, measurement, transmission and processing of electric and non-electric quantities. The students acquire very good theoretical fundamentals with strong interdisciplinary structure. Thanks to this they are flexible and have competitive advantage on the labor market.

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Business informatics - BPSIT320

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Common courses - ---

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Communication and information processing - MPEK820

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Communication Systems and Networks - MEEK518

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Communications and Signal Processing - 2612T076

The master's program welcomes the graduates who have had wide theoretical knowledge and who is ready to study professional specialization subjects. The program keeps its' unique high universality. The tracks are diversified not according to a final technical product but according to theoretical and skill tools which the graduate will adopt. This kind of methodology forms precisely a profile of a graduate who is ready for development and research teams and for international companies developing technologically and algorithmically best products. The graduate understands the state-of-the-art of science and engineering in his profession. He is used to work with sources of technical information. He is also ready to continue with PhD. studies.

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Communications Networks and Internet - MPEK518

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Computer and Information Science - 1801R034

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Computer Engineering - MPOI418

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Computer Engineering - MEOI418

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Computer Games and Graphics - BPOI418

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Computer Games and Graphics - 1801R059

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Computer Graphics - MPOI318

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Computer Graphics - MEOI318

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Computer Vision and Image Processing - MPOI518

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Computer Vision and Image Processing - MEOI518

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Cyber Security - MPOI218

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Cyber Security - MEOI218

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Cybernetics and Robotics - 2612T083

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Data Science - MPOI918

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Data Science - MEOI918

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Electrical Drives - MEEEM118

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Electrical Drives - MPEEM118

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Electrical Engineering and Management - BPEEM218

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Electrical Engineering and Management - 2608R005

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Electrical Power Engineering - MEEEM218

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Electrical Power Engineering - MPEEM218

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Electronics - MPEK118

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Electronics - MEEK118

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Enterprise systémy - BPSIT120

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Human-Computer Interaction - MPOI118

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Human-Computer Interaction - MEOI118

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Image processing - MPBIO318

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Image Processing - MEBIO318

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Internet of Things - BPOI218

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Internet of Things - 1801R058

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Management of Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering - MPEEM418

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Management of Power Engineering and Electrotechnics - MEEEM418

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Medical Instrumentation - MPBIO218

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Medical Instrumentation - MEBIO218

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Mobile Communications - MPEK618

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Mobile Communications - MEEK618

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Open Electronic Systems - 2612R000

Program je zaměřen na poskytnutí velmi universální teoretické průpravy v širokém základu matematiky, fyziky, a teoreticko-průpravných předmětů z oblasti elektronických systémů. Většina předmětů programu má charakter teoretický a prakticko-profesní předměty jsou redukovány. Z důvodů vysoké univerzality je celý BSP konstruován jako jeden průchod s malou variabilitou, která zabraňuje předčasné specializaci bez adekvátních základů. I když není BSP-OES studium cílem samo o sobě, poslouží díky své teoretické náročnosti výborně jako selekce tvořivých a nadaných absolventů, kteří se pak snadno samostatně zorientují v libovolné technické oblasti. Sjednocující a vším se prolínající myšlenkou konstrukce programu je důraz na "pyramidu" vzdělání, kdy nižší patro vzdělání musí být vždy bytelnější a širší než na něm stavěná vyšší patra a že universitní podstata vzdělání stojí na nadčasově platné teorii a nikoliv schopnosti provádět rutinní výpočty. Program doplňuje portfolio již existujících spíše prakticko-profesně zaměřených programů o čistě teoreticko-univerzitní program. Existující předměty ostatních programů tedy nevytváří konkurenci, ale naopak doplněk.

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Photonics - MPEK318

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Photonics - MEEK318

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Radio Communications and Systems - MPEK718

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Radio Systems - MEEK718

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RF and DSP Engineering - 2612T077

The master's program welcomes the graduates who have had wide theoretical knowledge and who is ready to study professional specialization subjects. The program keeps its' unique high universality. The tracks are diversified not according to a final technical product but according to theoretical and skill tools which the graduate will adopt. This kind of methodology forms precisely a profile of a graduate who is ready for development and research teams and for international companies developing technologically and algorithmically best products. The graduate understands the state-of-the-art of science and engineering in his profession. He is used to work with sources of technical information. He is also ready to continue with PhD. studies.

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Robotics - 2301T013

The Cybernetics and Robotics study program has a modern conception based on suggestions put forward by international professional organizations. The lectures and theoretical studies are well balanced with creative work in our modern and well-equipped laboratories. Our education gives students a solid theoretical background which will enable them throughout their lives to adapt to new knowledge and new technologies. Our study program is comparable in contact with similar programs at the best universities in the world. We use standard English textbooks by renowned authors and modern teaching aids. Great emphasis is put on practical projects and individual work. Many project specifications come directly from industry. The program offers a great amount of freedom in choosing elective courses. In addition to the obligatory courses students can choose elective courses from other study programs. The obligatory courses provide a solid theoretical foundation, while the elective courses give students a chance to develop their abilities, e.g. in team work, and to improve their knowledge in related areas, ranging from industry, transportation and biomedical engineering to economics, social sciences, and humanities.

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Sensors and Instrumentation - 2601T016

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Signal processing - MPBIO418

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Signal Processing - MEBIO418

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Software Engineering - MPOI618

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Software Engineering - MEOI618

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Software - BPOI318

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Software - 1801R060

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Solid State Systems - 2612T075

The master's program welcomes the graduates who have had wide theoretical knowledge and who is ready to study professional specialization subjects. The program keeps its' unique high universality. The tracks are diversified not according to a final technical product but according to theoretical and skill tools which the graduate will adopt. This kind of methodology forms precisely a profile of a graduate who is ready for development and research teams and for international companies developing technologically and algorithmically best products. The graduate understands the state-of-the-art of science and engineering in his profession. He is used to work with sources of technical information. He is also ready to continue with PhD. studies.

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Systems and Control - 2612T068

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Technological Systems - MEEEM318

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Technological Systems - MPEEM318

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Technologie internetu věcí - BPSIT420

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Technologie pro multimédia a virtuální realitu - BPSIT220

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Technology of the Internet of Things - MPEK418

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Technology of the Internet of Things - MEEK418

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Page updated 26.3.2025 05:51:16, semester: L/2024-5, Z,L/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)