Summary of Study |
Summary of Branches |
All Subject Groups |
All Subjects |
List of Roles |
Explanatory Notes
Organization of every page
Every page is composed from an introductory menu, which is sometimes composed of two parts. The upper menu is always the same and cites pivotal groups of pages from the educational description (further BK=white book). References lead you to the study guide, to the list of the branches, for which our faculty is an accredited representative, to list of all groups of subjects and to the list of all subjects actively taught. In the lower menu, provided it exists, are references to the major pages in the view to the current data position.
Abbreviation references to the current data pages are often underneath the menu. If there is a long list on the page, it reflects the shortcuts to the primary data, beginning with the letter choice. Some places, there are references to logical groups of data (subjects in a department).
There is a ready brief description on every page, what is actually shown. Some places it is rather simple, but for a beginner it can be valuable advice.
Following the title pages and personal specifications, data is usually presented in tables or in the form of unnumbered lists. Every table has a title, which characterizes the data in it. It also has a description column and then many rows. These rows just direct you to the abbreviation references. On some pages more tables can be above them.
At the end of the page is a footer, where the date of the generated page appears.
Here is a sample of a common page with descriptions mentioned in the previous section.
Page created 25. 1. 2000
Page updated 14.9.2024 17:51:09, semester: L/2023-4, Z,L/2024-5, Z/2023-4, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |