Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is the highest elected body of the Academic Community at the Faculty. The Senate has the authority over key Faculty issues: for instance, it elects the Dean, approves internal statutes and the budget, nominates the members of the Scientific Council.
The Senate, however, is also a group of people who are deeply interested in the operation of the Faculty, who want to actively communicate with the management of the Faculty, and continuously improve the conditions for working and studying here at the CTU. Please feel free to share your ideas, concerns and suggestions with the members of the Senate.
At CTU, we are trying to create an interbational environment based on the integration of international students, employees, visiting professors and researchers into the life of the academic community. However, the majority of legal documents discussed by the Academic Senate are in Czech and the official procedural language of the Academic Senate is therefore Czech as well. To avoid any inconsistency, we kindly ask you to use an automated translation of our Czech website. Thank you for your understanding and please contact us if you need help with anything.