Subject description - B3B33ROB

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B3B33ROB Robotics
Roles:P, PV Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13133 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:Z

Web page:


The course is an introduction into industrial robotics with the emphasis on the industrial robots and manipulators. The robot kinematics is thoroughly studied. The student shall be able to choose, design, and program industrial robot and integrate it into the robotic cell after passing the course.

Study targets:

The goal of the course is to introduce industrial robots and manipulators, their design, kinematics, statics, and control. The course is designed for future experts who will be able to control robot, design its electronics, and consult kinematical design. The ability to implement geometry of the robot in programming language is emphasized.

Course outlines:

1. Robotics, the field, an industrial robot
2. Robot geometry, terminology, number of degrees of freedom (DOF), manipulator structure.
3. Coordinate systems, coordinate system transformation.
4. Rotation and translation representation. Quaternions.
5. Serial and parallel robot kinematics, joint and cartesian coordinates. Forward and inverse kinematics.
6. Denavit-Hartenberg notation.
7. Inverse kinematics and its solution for 6 DOF robot with spherical joint.
8. Diferential kinematics, manipulator jacobian. manipulator singularities.
9. Accuracy and repeatability in robotics. Statics of the robot.
10. Electrical drives for robots.
11. Hydraulic a pneumatic drives of robots.
12. Industrial robot control. Feedback in robotics.
13. Forward and inverse robot dynamics.
14. Kinematics of robotic cell, example.

Exercises outline:

The laboratories will consist of simple practical assignment on the manipulator in laboratory as well as home assignments where programs and accompanying reports will be evaluated. The interactive labs will explain the methods to be used and discuss the questions or problems arising during assignments solving.


Reza N. Jazar: Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-1441917492


Linear algebra, calculus basics, geometry and physics in the span of KYR bachelor program. Literature of these courses.


Robotics, kinematics, robot control

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPBIO_2018 Common courses PV
BPKYR_2016 Common courses P 5

Page updated 14.3.2025 17:51:17, semester: Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, L/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)