13133 / 13168 - Publikace - 2023

13133 / 13168 - strojové učení

Publikační činnost 2023

Články v časopisech WoS

DLASK, T. a T. WERNER. Activity propagation in systems of linear inequalities and its relation to block-coordinate descent in linear programs. CONSTRAINTS. 2023, 28 244-276. ISSN 1383-7133. DOI 10.1007/s10601-023-09349-0.

BUREŠOVÁ, D. Generalized XOR operation and the categorical equivalence of the Abbott algebras and quantum logics. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2023, 62 ISSN 0020-7748. DOI 10.1007/s10773-023-05355-3.

VORÁČEK, V. a P. PTÁK. A Symmetric-Difference-Closed Orthomodular Lattice That Is Stateless. ORDER-A JOURNAL ON THE THEORY OF ORDERED SETS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2023, 40(2), 397-402. ISSN 0167-8094. DOI 10.1007/s11083-022-09621-7.

DLASK, T., T. WERNER a S. DE GIVRY. Super-Reparametrizations of Weighted CSPs: Properties and Optimization Perspective. CONSTRAINTS. 2023, 28 277-319. ISSN 1383-7133. DOI 10.1007/s10601-023-09343-6.

BUREŠOVÁ, D. a P. PTÁK. On the set-representable orthomodular posets that are point-distinguishing. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2023, 62 ISSN 0020-7748. DOI 10.1007/s10773-023-05436-3.

FRANC, V., D. PRŮŠA a V. VORÁČEK. Optimal Strategies for Reject Option Classifiers. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2023, 24 ISSN 1532-4435.

NAVARA, M. a J. ŠEVIC. Maximum likelihood estimator of quantum probabilities. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2023, 62 ISSN 1572-9575. DOI 10.1007/s10773-023-05469-8. Dostupné z: https://rdcu.be/dnWil

BUREŠOVÁ, D. a P. PTÁK. On locally finite orthomodular lattices. Mathematica Slovaca. 2023, 73(2), 545-549. ISSN 0139-9918. DOI 10.1515/ms-2023-0040.

GUILLON, B. et al. Weight-reducing Turing machines. Information and Computation. 2023, 292 ISSN 0890-5401. DOI 10.1016/j.ic.2023.105030.

Články v ostatních periodikách

PRŮŠA, D. Two-Dimensional Rank-Reducing Grammars and Their Complexity. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics. 2023, 28(1-3), 143-166. ISSN 2567-3785. DOI 10.25596/jalc-2023-143. Dostupné z: https://jalc.de/issues/2023/issue_28_1-3/jalc-2023-143-166.php

Stati ve sbornících konferencí

MONTALBANO, P. et al. Virtual Pairwise Consistency in Cost Function Networks. In: Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research. 20th International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, Nice, 2023-05-29/2023-06-01. Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023. s. 417-426. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. sv. 13884. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-031-33270-8. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-33271-5_27.

HOUŠKOVÁ, K. a M. NAVARA. Relations between the shapes of triangular norms and their generators. In: DURANTE, F. et al., eds. Copulas. Theory and Applications. 40th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, Linz, 2023-06-06/2023-06-09. Linz: Johannes Kepler University, 2023. s. 42-46. ISBN 978-3-903480-02-5.

BURDA, M., M. NAVARA a M. ŠTĚPNIČKA. Criticism of the center of gravity defuzzification. In: MASSANET, S. et al., eds. EUSFLAT 2023 and AGOP 2023. Book of Abstracts.. 13th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic, Palma, 2023-09-04/2023-09-08. Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2023. s. 20-21. ISBN 978-84-09-52808-0. Dostupné z: https://www.eusflat2023.eu/88603/section/45235/eusflat-13th-conference-of-the-european-society-for-fuzzy-logic-and-technology-jointly-with-the-ago.html

PAPLHÁM, J., V. FRANC a D. LŽÍČAŘOVÁ. Detection of Microscopic Fungi and Yeast in Clinical Samples Using Fluorescence Microscopy and Deep Learning. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Lisboa, 2023-02-19/2023-02-21. Setùbal: SciTePress, 2023. s. 777-784. sv. 4. ISSN 2184-4321. ISBN 978-989-758-634-7. DOI 10.5220/0011616100003417.

FRANC, V., D. PRŮŠA a A. YERMAKOV. Consistent and Tractable Algorithm for Markov Network Learning. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part IV. ECML PKDD 2022: Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Grenoble, 2022-09-19/2022-09-23. Cham: Springer, 2023. s. 435-451. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. sv. 13716. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-031-26411-5. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-26412-2_27.

MRÁZ, F. et al. One-Side Pumping and Two-Side Pumping by Complete CF(¢, $)-grammars. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2023). ITAT 2023 Information Technologies – Applications and Theory 2023, Tatranské Matliare, 2023-09-22/2023-09-26. Aachen: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2023. s. 110-120. ISSN 1613-0073. Dostupné z: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3498/paper14.pdf

Stránka vytvořena 14.03.2025 05:00:01
Za obsah odpovídá: RNDr. Patrik Mottl, Ph.D.