13000 / 13135 - Publikace - 2018
13000 / 13135 - katedra řídicí techniky
Publikační činnost 2018
Články v časopisech WoS
ZEMÁNEK, J., T. MICHÁLEK a Z. HURÁK. Phase-shift feedback control for dielectrophoretic micromanipulation. Lab on a Chip. 2018, 18(12), 1793-1801. ISSN 1473-0197. DOI 10.1039/c8lc00113h.
JACKURA, A. et al. New analysis of ηπ tensor resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment. Physics Letters B. 2018, 779 464-472. ISSN 0370-2693. DOI 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.01.017.
FRUTOS, E. et al. Development of new beta/alpha ''-Ti-Nb-Zr biocompatible coating with low Young's modulus and high toughness for medical applications. Materials & Design. 2018, 142 44-55. ISSN 0264-1275. DOI 10.1016/j.matdes.2018.01.014.
HOEFLER, Sebastian F. et al. A Zero-Dimensional Mixed-Anion Hybrid Halogenobismuthate(III) Semiconductor: Structural, Optical, and Photovoltaic Properties. Inorganic Chemistry. 2018, 57(17), 10576-10586. ISSN 0020-1669. DOI 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01161.
FERNANDES, F., T. B. YAQUB a A. CAVALEIRO. Influence of Ag additions on the structure, mechanical properties and oxidation behaviour of Cr-O coatings deposited by HiPIMS. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2018, 339 167-180. ISSN 0257-8972. DOI 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.02.025.
KOLIOGIORGOS, A. et al. Electronic and Optical Properties of Ultrasmall ABX(3) (A = Cs, CH3NH3/B = Ge, Pb, Sn, Ca, Sr/X = Cl, Br, I) Perovskite Quantum Dots. ACS Omega. 2018, 3(12), 18917-18924. ISSN 2470-1343. DOI 10.1021/acsomega.8b02525.
DOLINSKÝ, K. a S. ČELIKOVSKÝ. Application of the Method of Maximum Likelihood to Identification of Bipedal Walking Robots. IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology. 2018, 26(4), 1500-1507. ISSN 1063-6536. DOI 10.1109/TCST.2017.2709277.
AKHUNZYANOV, R. et al. K− over K+ multiplicity ratio for kaons produced in DIS with a large fraction of the virtual-photon energy. Physics Letters B. 2018, 786 390-398. ISSN 0370-2693. DOI 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.09.052.
VARELA, L. B. et al. NbC-Ni coatings deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering: Effect of Ni content on mechanical properties, thermal stability and oxidation resistance. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2018, 349 1018-1031. ISSN 0257-8972. DOI 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.06.068.
ROGGE, P.C. et al. Electronic structure of negative charge transfer CaFeO3 across the metal-insulator transition. Physical Review Materials. 2018, 2 ISSN 2475-9953. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.015002.
NICOLINI, P. et al. Structural Ordering of Molybdenum Disulfide Studied via Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018, 10(10), 8937-8946. ISSN 1944-8244. DOI 10.1021/acsami.7b17960.
FERNANDES, F. et al. Tribological and cutting performance of TiAlCrN films with different Cr contents deposited with multilayered structure. Tribology International. 2018, 119 345-353. ISSN 0301-679X. DOI 10.1016/j.triboint.2017.11.008.
MINAEVA, A. et al. Time-Triggered Co-Scheduling of Computation and Communication with Jitter Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 2018, 67(11), 115-129. ISSN 0018-9340. DOI 10.1109/TC.2017.2722443.
AHMAD, A. a Z. HANZÁLEK. An Energy Efficient Schedule for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Cluster Tree WSN with Multiple Collision Domains and Period Crossing Constraint. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS. 2018, 14(1), 12-23. ISSN 1551-3203. DOI 10.1109/TII.2017.2725907.
DURR, Ch. et al. The triangle scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling. 2018, 21(3), 305-312. ISSN 1094-6136. DOI 10.1007/s10951-017-0533-1.
AGHASYAN, M. et al. Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry Ap1 and spin-dependent structure function gp1 of the proton at small values of x and Q2. Physics Letters B. 2018, 781 464-472. ISSN 0370-2693. DOI 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.03.044.
VAKIS, A.I. et al. Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview. Tribology International. 2018, 125 169-199. ISSN 0301-679X. DOI 10.1016/j.triboint.2018.02.005.
KORDA, M. a D. HENRION. Convergence rates of moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies for volume approximation of semialgebraic sets. Optimization Letters. 2018, 12(3), 435-442. ISSN 1862-4472. DOI 10.1007/s11590-017-1186-x.
AGHASYAN, M. et al. Search for muoproduction of X (3872) at COMPASS and indication of a new state X ˜ (3872). Physics Letters B. 2018, 783 334-340. ISSN 0370-2693. DOI 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.07.008.
VÁCLAVÍK, R. et al. Accelerating the Branch-and-Price Algorithm Using Machine Learning. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018, 271(3), 1055-1069. ISSN 0377-2217. DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.046.
MONCLÚS, M.A. et al. Effect of layer thickness on the mechanical behaviour of oxidation-strengthened Zr/Nb nanoscale multilayers. Journal of Materials Science. 2018, 53(8), 5860-5878. ISSN 0022-2461. DOI 10.1007/s10853-017-1665-6.
PČOLKA, M. et al. Towards a Smart Car: Hybrid Nonlinear Predictive Controller with Adaptive Horizon. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 2018, 26(6), 1970-1981. ISSN 1063-6536. DOI 10.1109/TCST.2017.2747504.
CALLISTI, M., M. KARLÍK a T. POLCAR. Competing mechanisms on the strength of ion-irradiated Zr/Nb nanoscale multilayers: Interface strength versus radiation hardening. Scripta Materialia. 2018, 152 31-35. ISSN 1359-6462. DOI 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.03.039.
YAGHMAIE, F.A. et al. H∞-output regulation of linear heterogeneous multiagent systems over switching graphs. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2018, 28(13), 3852-3870. ISSN 1049-8923. DOI 10.1002/rnc.4108.
AGHASYAN, M. et al. Light isovector resonances in π−p→π−π−π+p at 190 GeV/c. Physical Review D. 2018, 98(9), ISSN 2470-0010. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.092003.
HUŠEK, P. et al. Low-Complexity Decentralized Active Damping of One-Dimensional Structures. Shock and Vibration. 2018, 2018 ISSN 1070-9622. DOI 10.1155/2018/6421604.
HERMAN, I. et al. Stability of Hydronic Networks With Independent Zone Controllers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 2018, 26(6), 2214-2222. ISSN 1063-6536. DOI 10.1109/TCST.2017.2753179.
AGHASYAN, M. et al. Transverse-momentum-dependent Multiplicities of Charged Hadrons in Muon-Deuteron Deep Inelastic Scattering. Physical Review D. 2018, 97(3), ISSN 2470-0010. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.032006.
MARTINEC, D., I. HERMAN a M. ŠEBEK. On the Necessity of Symmetric Positional Coupling for String Stability. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. 2018, 5(1), 45-54. ISSN 2325-5870. DOI 10.1109/TCNS.2016.2573739.
MOSCHOU, G., A. KOLIOGIORGOS a I. GALANAKIS. Electronic Properties of Cs-Based Halide Perovskites: An Ab Initio Study. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE. 2018, 215(17), ISSN 1862-6300. DOI 10.1002/pssa.201700941.
Články v ostatních periodikách
BÄUMELT, T. a J. DOSTÁL. Distribuovaná identifikace modelu budovy pro účely pokročilé regulace. Vytápění, větrání, instalace. 2018, 27(5), 266-270. ISSN 1210-1389.
FRAILE, A. et al. Cellular Automata and Artificial Brain Dynamics. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 2018, 23(4), 1-23. ISSN 1300-686X. DOI 10.3390/mca23040075.
GOMEZ-GUTIERREZ, D. et al. A Finite-Time Consensus Algorithm with Simple Structure for Fixed Networks. COMPUTACION Y SISTEMAS. 2018, 22(2), 547-556. ISSN 1405-5546. DOI 10.13053/CyS-22-2-2420.
KOLIOGIORGOS, A., S. BASKOUTAS a I. GALANAKIS. Electronic and gap properties of Sb and Bi based halide perovskites: An abinitio study. Computational Condensed Matter. 2018, 14 161-166. ISSN 2352-2143. DOI 10.1016/j.cocom.2018.02.001.
Knihy, kapitoly v knihách, skripta, sborníky
GRUENWALD, B.C. et al. Adaptive Architectures for Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems with Actuator Dynamics. In: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Autonomy for Aerospace Systems. Reston, VA: AIAA, 2018. s. 369-408. ISBN 978-1-62410-478-7. DOI 10.2514/4.104794.
Stati ve sbornících konferencí
HUBER, S. et al. Intelligence Elements and Performance of the FPGA-based DAQ of the COMPASS Experiment. In: Proceedings of Science - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Santa Cruz, 2017-09-11/2017-09-14. Trieste: SISSA-The International School for Advanced Studies, 2018. sv. 313. ISSN 1824-8039. DOI 10.22323/1.313.0127. Dostupné z: https://pos.sissa.it/313/127/pdf
SVOBODA, F., M. HROMČÍK a K. HENGSTER-MOVRIC. Distributed State Feedback Control for Aeroelastic Morphing Wing Flutter Supression. In: The 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Zadar, 2018-06-19/2018-06-22. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018. s. 575-580. ISSN 2325-369X. ISBN 978-1-5386-7890-9. DOI 10.1109/MED.2018.8442815.
GRUENWALD, B.C. et al. Computing the stability limits of pole-zero actuator dynamics on adaptive control laws for aerospace applications. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. Kissimmee, 2018-01-08/2018-01-12. Reston, VA: AIAA, 2018. s. 1-15. ISBN 978-1-62410-526-5. DOI 10.2514/6.2018-0844.
TABAČEK, J. a V. HAVLENA. Desensitized Filtering for Systems with Uncertain Parameters and Noise Correlation. In: The 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Zadar, 2018-06-19/2018-06-22. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018. s. 794-799. ISSN 2325-369X. ISBN 978-1-5386-7890-9. DOI 10.1109/MED.2018.8443049.
VOLECH, J. et al. Control of Vibration Suppression of Planar Structures Using Actuation by Clusters of Piezopatches. In: Proceedings of the SMS EUROPE 2018, Italy, International Conference. 4th Ed. Smart Materials and Surfaces, Venice, 2018-10-23/2018-10-25. Paříž: Science, Engineering, Technology Conferences Organisers, 2018. s. 1-4.
HUŠEK, P. Monotonicity conditions for radial basis function networks. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2018. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2018, Bangalore, 2018-11-18/2018-11-21. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018. s. 168-173. ISBN 978-1-5386-9276-9. DOI 10.1109/SSCI.2018.8628878.
MATĚJKA, J. et al. Combining PREM compilation and ILP scheduling for high-performance and predictable MPSoC execution. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores. 9th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, Vídeň, 2018-02-24/2018-02-25. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018. s. 11-20. ISBN 978-1-4503-5645-9. DOI 10.1145/3178442.3178444.
ŠIKA, Z. et al. Decentralized and Distributed MIMO H-infinity Robust Control of Vibration Suppression of Planar Structures. In: DESMET, W. et al., eds. Proceedings of ISMA2018 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering USD2018 International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics. ISMA 2018 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2018-09-17/2018-09-19. KU Leuven, 2018. s. 309-323. ISBN 9789073802995.
TABAČEK, J. a V. HAVLENA. Schmidt-Kalman Filters for Systems with Uncertain Parameters and Asynchronous Sampling. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems. 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, YongPyong Resort in PyeongChang, GangWon, 2018-10-17/2018-10-20. Wonmi-gu, Gyeonggi-do: Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS), 2018. s. 357-362. ISSN 2093-7121. ISBN 978-89-93215-15-1.
BUŠEK, J. et al. Time delay algorithms for control of a quadcopter with suspended load. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems. 14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Budapest, 2018-06-28/2018-06-30. Heidelberg: IFAC, 2018. IFAC-PapersOnLine. sv. 51. ISSN 2405-8963.
HUŠEK, P. System identification using monotonic fuzzy models. In: Proccedings of the 7th World Conference on Soft Computing. The 7th World Conference on Soft Computing, Baku, 2018-05-29/2018-05-31. Baku: Azerbaijan Technical University, 2018.
DERNER, E., J. KUBALÍK a R. BABUŠKA. Data-driven Construction of Symbolic Process Models for Reinforcement Learning. In: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, 2018-05-21/2018-05-25. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018. s. 5105-5112. ISSN 1050-4729. ISBN 978-1-5386-3081-5. DOI 10.1109/ICRA.2018.8461182.
SVOBODA, F. a M. HROMČÍK. Distributed control for a morphing wing with a macro fiber composite actuator. In: Proceedings of the SMS EUROPE 2018, Italy, International Conference. 4th Ed. Smart Materials and Surfaces, Venice, 2018-10-23/2018-10-25. Paříž: Science, Engineering, Technology Conferences Organisers, 2018. s. 40-41.
DERNER, E., J. KUBALÍK a R. BABUŠKA. Reinforcement Learning with Symbolic Input-Output Models. In: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Madrid, 2018-10-01/2018-10-05. New York: IEEE Press, 2018. s. 3004-3009. ISSN 2153-0866. ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0. DOI 10.1109/IROS.2018.8593881.
BUŠEK, J. et al. Control design with inverse feedback shaper for quadcopter with suspended load. In: Proceedings of ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018-09-30/2018-10-03. Michigan: ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, 2018. sv. 3. ISSN 2151-1853. ISBN 978-0-7918-5191-3. DOI 10.1115/DSCC2018-9052.
BENEDIKT, O. et al. Energy-aware production scheduling with power-saving modes. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 15th International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, Delft, 2018-06-26/2018-06-29. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2018. s. 72-81. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-319-93030-5. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-93031-2_6.
BEŇO, R. Distributed Identification of Nonlinear Systems using Regularization. Praha: Datum obhajoby 2018-09-14. Doktorská práce (Ph.D.). ČVUT FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky.
BUKATA, L. Parallel Algorithms for Optimization of Production Systems. Praha: Datum obhajoby 2018-11-09. Doktorská práce (Ph.D.). ČVUT FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky.
ZEMÁNEK, J. Distributed manipulation by controlling force fields through arrays of actuators. Datum obhajoby 2018-09-13. Doktorská práce (Ph.D.). ČVUT FEL. Katedra řídicí techniky.
ZHANG, X. Distributed Estimation and Control With Applications to Spatially Distributed Camping Systems. Praha: Datum obhajoby 2018-07-27. Doktorská práce (Ph.D.). ČVUT FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky.
DOLINSKÝ, K. Algorithms for Complex Bipedal Walking. Praha: Datum obhajoby 2018-04-20. Doktorská práce (Ph.D.). ČVUT FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky.