13000 / 13102 - Publikace - 2018

13000 / 13102 - katedra fyziky

Publikační činnost 2018

Články v časopisech WoS

PEKÁREK, S. Experimental study of pulse polarity and magnetic field on ozone production of the dielectric barrier discharge in air. PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING. 2018, 38(5), 1081-1093. ISSN 0272-4324. DOI 10.1007/s11090-018-9914-2.

URBAN, M. et al. Outgassing monitor on VZLUSAT-1: Preliminary results. Astronomische Nachrichten. 2018, 339(5), 367-370. ISSN 0004-6337. DOI 10.1002/asna.201813507.

RAYMAKERS, J. et al. Functionalization of boron-doped diamond with a push-pull chromophore via Sonogashira and CuAAC chemistry. RSC Advances. 2018, 8(58), 33276-33290. ISSN 2046-2069. DOI 10.1039/c8ra07545j.

NENTVICH, O. et al. VZLUSAT‐1: Health monitoring system, preliminary results. Astronomische Nachrichten. 2018, 339(5), 397-402. ISSN 0004-6337. DOI 10.1002/asna.201813513.

KUBEŠ, P. et al. Axial compression of plasma structures in a plasma focus discharge. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 2018, 25(6), ISSN 1070-664X. DOI 10.1063/1.5033997.

JULÁK, J. et al. Comparison of fungicidal properties of non-thermal plasma produced by corona discharge and dielectric barrier discharge. Folia Microbiologica. 2018, 63(1), 63-68. ISSN 0015-5632. DOI 10.1007/s12223-017-0535-6.

STEHLÍKOVÁ, V. et al. Study of multiple layers coatings for X-ray mirrors. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso. 2018, 48(3), 488-497. ISSN 1335-1842.

BEDNAŘÍK, M. a M. ČERVENKA. Propagation of electromagnetic waves through non-uniform dielectric layers. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2018, 35(10), 2541-2549. ISSN 0740-3224. DOI 10.1364/JOSAB.35.002541.

KUCEWICZ, M.T. et al. Pupil size reflects successful encoding and recall of memory in humans. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8 ISSN 2045-2322. DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-23197-6. Dostupné z: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-23197-6

BÁLEK, R. a S. PEKÁREK. Acoustic Waves Effect on the Generation of Nitrogen Oxides by Corona Discharge in Air. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 2018, 27(7), ISSN 0963-0252. DOI 10.1088/1361-6595/aad10d.

CONSOLI, F. et al. EMP characterization at PALS on solid-target experiments. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2018, 60(10), ISSN 0741-3335. DOI 10.1088/1361-6587/aad709.

MUNZAR, V. et al. Investigation of Magnetic Fields in Z-Pinches via Multi-MeV Proton Deflectometry. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2018, 46(11), 3891-3900. ISSN 0093-3813. DOI 10.1109/TPS.2018.2874207.

BEDNAŘÍK, M. et al. One-dimensional propagation of longitudinal elastic waves through functionally graded materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2018, 146 43-54. ISSN 0020-7683. DOI 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.03.017.

FAIT, J. et al. Complex nano-patterning of structural, optical, electrical and electron emission properties of amorphous silicon thin films by scanning probe. Applied Surface Science. 2018, 428 1159-1165. ISSN 0169-4332. DOI 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.09.228.

STEHLÍKOVÁ, V. et al. Radiation resistance monitor on VZLUSAT‐1: Preliminary results. Astronomische Nachrichten. 2018, 339(5), 382-385. ISSN 0004-6337. DOI 10.1002/asna.201813510.

KLÍR, D. et al. Ion acceleration mechanism in mega-ampere gas-puff z-pinches. New Journal of Physics. 2018, 20 ISSN 1367-2630. DOI 10.1088/1367-2630/aac545.

ROOZEN, N.B. et al. Assessment of the sound reduction index of building elements by near field excitation through an array of loudspeakers and structural response measurements by laser Doppler vibrometry. Applied Acoustics. 2018, 140 225-235. ISSN 0003-682X.

ROMANYUK, O. et al. Study of Ni-Catalyzed Graphitization Process of Diamond by in Situ X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018, 122(12), 6629-6636. ISSN 1932-7447. DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b12334.

PISARCZYK, T. et al. Magnetized plasma implosion in a snail target driven by a moderate intensity laser pulse. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8 ISSN 2045-2322. DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-36176-8. Dostupné z: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-36176-8

ČERVENKA, M. a M. BEDNAŘÍK. Optimized reactive silencers with narrow side-branch tubes. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2018, 144(4), 2015-2021. ISSN 0001-4966. DOI 10.1121/1.5056175.

ČERMÁK, J. et al. Proton irradiation induced changes in glass and polyethylene terephthalate substrates for photovoltaic solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2018, 186 284-290. ISSN 0927-0248. DOI 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.06.046.

KOPOVA, I. et al. Growth of Primary Human Osteoblasts on Plasma-Treated and Nanodiamond-Coated PTFE Polymer Foils. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS. 2018, 255(10), ISSN 0370-1972. DOI 10.1002/pssb.201700595.

ČERVENKA, M. a M. BEDNAŘÍK. Numerical study of the influence of the convective heat transport on acoustic streaming in a standing wave. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2018, 143(2), 727-734. ISSN 0001-4966. DOI 10.1121/1.5023217.

JIRASEK, V. et al. Hydroxylation and self-assembly of colloidal hydrogenated nanodiamonds by aqueous oxygen radicals from atmospheric pressure plasma jet. RSC Advances. 2018, 8(66), 37681-37692. ISSN 2046-2069. DOI 10.1039/c8ra07873d.

STEHLÍK, Š. et al. Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Ultra-Thin Nanocrystalline Diamond Films. Micromachines. 2018, 9(6), ISSN 2072-666X. DOI 10.3390/mi9060281. Dostupné z: http://www.mdpi.com/2072-666X/9/6/281

KRÁSA, J. et al. Production of relativistic electrons, MeV deuterons and protons by sub-nanosecond terawatt laser. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 2018, 25(11), ISSN 1070-664X. DOI 10.1063/1.5052146.

KUBEŠ, P. et al. Characterization of fast deuterons involved in the production of fusion neutrons in a dense plasma focus. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 2018, 25 ISSN 1070-664X. DOI 10.1063/1.5012021.

JÍRA, J. et al. Inhibition of E. coli Growth by Nanodiamond and Graphene Oxide Enhanced by Luria-Bertani Medium. Nanomaterials. 2018, 8(3), ISSN 2079-4991. DOI 10.3390/nano8030140. Dostupné z: http://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/8/3/140

BEDNAŘÍK, M. a M. ČERVENKA. Description of waves in inhomogeneous domains using Heun's equation. Waves in Random and Complex Media. 2018, 28(2), 236-252. ISSN 1745-5030. DOI 10.1080/17455030.2017.1338788.

Články v ostatních periodikách

STEHLÍKOVÁ, V. et al. Zušlechťování mandrelů pro výroby RTG optik metodami vysokofrekvenčního odprašování a opracovávání iontovým svazkem. Jemná mechanika a optika. 2018, 63(1), 17-18. ISSN 0447-6441.

ZATLOUKALOVÁ, J. et al. Ultrasonic Biopolymer Characterisation by Hysteresis Quantification. e-Journal of NDT. 2018, 23(1), ISSN 1435-4934. Dostupné z: http://www.ndt.net/article/ndtp2017/papers/Zatloukalova.pdf

Knihy, kapitoly v knihách, skripta, sborníky

MAGUIRE, P. et al., eds. Investigating Electron And Radical Interactions With Biomolecules And Cells Using A Droplet In Plasma Laboratory. griefswald, 2018-03-20/2018-03-21. Linz: Elsevier BV, 2018. sv. 9.

Stati ve sbornících konferencí

POTOCKÝ, Š. et al. Characterisation of Diamond-coated Screws after Their 12-Months Implantation in Rabbit Femurs. In: NANOCON 2018 LIST OF ABSTRACTS. NANOCON 2018 - 10th Anniversary International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application, Brno, 2018-10-17/2018-10-19. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2018. s. 111-112. ISBN 978-80-87294-85-7.

ČERVENKA, M., M. BEDNAŘÍK a T.G. ZIELINSKI. Direct numerical simulation of sound absorption in porous media. In: Euronoise 2018. Heraklion, Crete, 2018-05-27/2018-05-31. Madrid: European Acoustics Association, 2018. s. 59-64. ISSN 2226-5147.

HRUŠKA, V. Sonic Crystal as a Potential Source of Low-Frequency Noise. In: HUSNÍK, L., ed. Proceedings of the International Student Scientific Conference Poster – 22/2018. Poster 2018, Praha, 2018-05-10. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018. s. 1-5. ISBN 978-80-01-06428-3.

HORÁKOVÁ, L. et al. MONITORING OF SUBJECTS DURING AVALANCHE SNOW BREATHING EXPERIMENTS: POSSIBLE ERRORS. In: International Snow Science Workshop Proceedings, Innsbruck, Austria, 2018. Interantional Snow Science Workshop 2018, Innsbruck, 2018-10-07/2019-01-12. Montana State University Library, 2018. Dostupné z: http://arc.lib.montana.edu/snow-science/objects/ISSW2018_P16.4.pdf

URBÁN, D. et al. Composite Material Sound Absorption Determination By Means Of Standing Wave Tube Measurement. In: Book of proceedings from 6th Conference on on Building Physics and Applied Technology in Architecture and Building Structures. Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Laboratory of Soft Matter and Biophysics, 2018.. 6th Conference on on Building Physics and Applied Technology in Architecture and Building Structures., Leuven, 2018-10-11/2018-10-13. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Laboratory of Soft Matter and Biophysics., 2018. s. 188-192. ISBN 9789090314419.

FINSTERLE, T. et al. Microscopic study of multifunctional drug molecule adhesion to electronic biosensors with diamond and gold nanoparticles. In: Nanocon 2018 - Abstracts. NANOCON 2018 - 10th Anniversary International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application, Brno, 2018-10-17/2018-10-19. Ostrava: Tanger, 2018. ISBN 978-80-87294-85-7.

HUNG-JR, Ch., A. KOUTNÝ a O. JIŘÍČEK. Spherical sound sources localization using SONAH. In: HERRIN, D., J. CUSCHIERI a G. EBBITT, eds. Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2018. Inter-Noise 2018, Chicago, 2018-08-26/2018-08-29. Washington, DC: Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA, 2018. s. 1-10. ISSN 0736-2935.

DE MARCO, M. et al. Multi probes measurements at the PALS Facility Research Centre during high intense laser pulse interactions with various target materials. In: Plasma Physics by Laser and Applications (PPLA 2017). 8th International Conference on Plasma Physics by Laser and Applications, Messina, 2017-07-05/2017-07-07. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, 2018. EPJ Web of Conferences. sv. 167. ISSN 2101-6275. DOI 10.1051/epjconf/201816703009.

KRÁSA, J. et al. Target current: An appropriate parameter for characterizing the dynamics of laser-matter interaction. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 22nd International Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications, Frascati, 2018-10-09/2018-10-12. Montréal: SPIE, 2018. sv. 11042. ISSN 0277-786X. DOI 10.1117/12.2520177.

LAMBERT, N. et al. Electrical breakdown in boron-doped diamond measured by transmission line pulsed method. In: Recent Advances in Diamond Science and Technology. Hasselt Diamond Workshop SBDD XXIII 2018, Hasselt, 2018-03-07/2018-03-09. Berlin: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2018. ISSN 1862-6300.

KROMKA, A. et al. Synthetic diamond thin films: bridging inorganic and organic worlds. In: 17th Joint Vacuum Conference in Olomouc. 17th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC-17), Olomouc, 2018-09-10/2018-09-14. Prague: Czech Vacuum Society, 2018. s. 108-109. sv. 1.

KRÁSA, J. et al. Relativistic effects in plasma produced with sub-nanosecond 3-TW laser. In: Europhysics Conference Abstracts vol. 42A. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Praha, 2018-07-02/2018-07-06. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2018. s. 1700-1703. Europhysics Conference Abstracts. sv. 42A. ISBN 978-1-5108-6844-1.

URBÁN, D. Predikcia poklesu zvukovej izolácie steny vplyvom kontaktného zateplenia. In: Sborník 97. akustického semináře. 97. akustický seminář, Seč, 2018-10-29/2018-10-31. Praha: Česká akustická společnost, 2018. s. 13-19. ISBN 978-80-01-06500-6.

LINHART, V. et al. First Measurement of X-rays Generated by Runaway Electrons in Tokamaks Using a TimePix3 Device with 1 mm thick Silicon Sensor. In: 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (NSS/MIC). 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Sydney, 2018-11-10/2018-11-17. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2018. ISSN 2577-0829. ISBN 978-1-5386-8494-8. DOI 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824534. Dostupné z: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8824534

URBÁN, D., N.B. ROOZEN a M. RYCHTÁRIKOVÁ. The discussion on sound insulation performance of façades in Slovakia. In: The 8th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, Conference Proceedings. The 8th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, Zagreb, 2018-09-20/2018-09-21. Hrvatsko akustičko društvo, 2018. s. 40-43. ISBN 978-953-95097-2-7.

POTOCKÝ, Š. et al. Histology and Micro-CT Study of Diamond-Coated Metal Bone Implants in Rabbit femurs. In: NANOCON 2017 Conference Proceedings. 9 th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application, Brno, 2017-10-18/2017-10-20. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2018. s. 573-577. ISBN 978-80-87294-81-9.

PETOŠIĆ, A. et al. Measurement uncertainty in the field of environmental noise and building acoustic measurements: experience from interlaboratory comparisons. In: The 8th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, Conference Proceedings. The 8th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, Zagreb, 2018-09-20/2018-09-21. Hrvatsko akustičko društvo, 2018. s. 118-133. ISBN 978-953-95097-2-7. Dostupné z: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330534079_8_th_AAAA_Congress_on_Sound_and_Vibration

Výzkumné zprávy

JIŘÍČEK, O., M. BROTHÁNEK a V. JANDÁK. Experimentální zařízení pro zkoušení základních parametrů akustických měničů, Etapa 1.. [Výzkumná zpráva] 2018.

JIŘÍČEK, O., M. BROTHÁNEK a V. JANDÁK. Měření činitele směrové difuze a zvukové pohltivosti. [Výzkumná zpráva] 2018.

PÍCHAL, J., P. ŠPATENKA a J. VOZÁB. Roční zpráva o řešení projektu TRIO MPO, FV10763 v roce 2017. [Výzkumná zpráva] 2018.

Stránka vytvořena 26.03.2025 05:00:01
Za obsah odpovídá: RNDr. Patrik Mottl, Ph.D.