
Summary of Study | Summary of Branches | All Subject Groups | All Subjects | List of Roles | Explanatory Notes               Instructions
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13133 FEL - Department of Cybernetics
Subject Name Extent
of teaching
of teaching
Guarantors Teachers
BE4M33PAL Advanced Algorithms 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Průša D.  
B4M33PAL Advanced algorithms 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Průša D.  
BE3M33PKR Advanced robot kinematics 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Pajdla T.  
B3M33PKR Advanced robot kinematics 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Pajdla T.  
B3B33ALP Algorithms and programming 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Vonásek V.  
BE5B33ALG Algorithms 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Genyk-Berezovskyj M.  
B4B33ALG Algorithms 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Genyk-Berezovskyj M.  
BE3M33ARO1 Autonomous Robotics 2P+2L EN Z,ZK L 6 Zimmermann K.  
B3M33ARO1 Autonomous Robotics 2P+2L CS Z,ZK L 6 Zimmermann K.  
A6M33BIO Biometrie 2P+2C CS KZ Z 4 Novák D.  
B0B01MVM Calculus with Maple 1P+1C+1D CS Z L 2 Němeček A.  
A6M33KSY Cognitive Systems 2P+1C CS KZ Z 4 Štěpánová K., Vavrečka M.  
BE4M33MPV Computer Vision Methods 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Matas J.  
B4M33MPV Computer Vision Methods 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Matas J.  
XP33VTP Computer Vision – Theory and Practice 2S EN ZK L 4 Chum O.  
BE5B33KUI Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Svoboda T.  
B3B33KUI Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Svoboda T.  
BEV033DLE Deep Learning 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Flach B.  
BE4M33DZO Digital Image 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Sýkora D.  
B4M33DZO Digital image 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z,L 6 Sýkora D.  
A7B33DIF Digital Photography 2P+2L CS Z,ZK L 5 Hlaváč V.  
XP33DID Distributed Artificial Intelligence 2P+1S CS ZK Z 4 Lhotská L.  
A0M33EOA Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Pošík P.  
A6M33ZPP First Aid Training Course 2S CS Z Z 1 Macků D.  
XEP33FLO Fuzzy Logic 2P+0S EN ZK L 4 Navara M.  
BE4M33GVG Geometry of Computer Vision and Graphics 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Pajdla T.  
B4M33GVG Geometry of Computer Vision and Graphics 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Pajdla T.  
XEP33GMM Graphical Markov Models 2P+1S EN ZK Z 4 Flach B.  
BE3M33HRO Humanoid robots 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Hoffmann M.  
B3M33HRO Humanoid robots 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Hoffmann M.  
XP33CHM Chapters in higher mathematics 2P EN ZK   4 Pták P.  
A5M33IZS Information and Knowledge-Based Systems 2P+1C CS Z,ZK L 4    
B3B33LAR Laboratory of robotics 0P+4L CS KZ L 4 Krsek P.  
BAM33ZMO Medical Image Processing 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Kybic J.  
BEAM33ZMO Medical Image Processing 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Kybic J.  
BAM33ZSL Medical Imaging Systems 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Kybic J.  
BEAM33ZSL Medical Imaging Systems 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Kybic J.  
BE3M33MRS Multi-robot aerial systems 2P+2L EN Z,ZK Z 6 Saska M.  
B3M33MRS Multi-robot aerial systems 2P+2L CS Z,ZK Z 6 Saska M.  
BAM33NIN Neuroinformatics 2P+2C CS Z,ZK L 6 Novák D.  
BEAM33NIN Neuroinformatics 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Novák D.  
B0B33OPT Optimization 4P+2C CS Z,ZK Z,L 7 Werner T.  
BE5B33RPZ Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Matas J.  
A0M33PAR Practical Robotics 1P+3L CS KZ Z 4 Přeučil L.  
BE5B33PRG Programming Essentials 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Svoboda T.  
BE5B33PGE Programming for Engineers 2P+2C EN Z,ZK L 6 Genyk-Berezovskyj M.  
XP33RCV Reading group in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 2P+2S EN ZK Z,L 4 Tolias G.  
XP33RG2 Reading Group 2P+2S EN ZK Z,L 4 Zimmermann K.  
B4B33RPZ Recognition and machine learning 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Matas J.  
B3B33UROB Robot Learning 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Zimmermann K.  
B3B33VIR Robot Learning 2P+2L CS Z,ZK Z 4    
B3B33ROB1 Robotics 2P+2L CS Z,ZK Z 6 Petrík V.  
B3B33ROB Robotics 2P+2L CS Z,ZK Z 5    
XP33RSK Robust Statistics for Cybernetics 2P+0S CS ZK L 4 Nosková J.  
B4B33RPH Solving Problems and other Games 2P+3C CS KZ Z 6 Svoboda T.  
BE4M33SSU Statistical Machine Learning 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Franc V.  
B4M33SSU Statistical Machine Learning 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6    
XEP33SML Structured Model Learning 2P+1S EN ZK L 4 Flach B.  
BEV033SSR Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems   EN Z L 2 Saska M.  
BE4M33TDV Three-dimensional Computer Vision 2P+2C EN Z,ZK Z 6 Šára R.  
B4M33TDV Three-dimensional Computer Vision 2P+2C CS Z,ZK Z 6 Šára R.  

Page updated 2.7.2024 17:51:28, semester: Z/2024-5, Z,L/2023-4, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)