Subject description - B0B04B22

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B0B04B22 English Language B2-2
Roles:V Extent of teaching:2C
Department:13104 Language of teaching:
Guarantors:Juna Jennings P. Completion:Z
Lecturers:  Credits:3
Tutors:Juna Jennings P., Péterová P., Stadnik E., Ynsua M. Semester:Z,L

Web page:


This course is designed as a full-year, two semester preparation course for the university’s compulsory B2-level English Examination (Anglický jazyk B2 - zkouška - B0B04B2Z *). While the course is focused on helping students reach a level required to pass the B2-level English Examination (or improve their English for a higher mark), it also focuses more on the academic and technical vocabulary and grammar expected of students at the university level. *NOTE: This exam is also used for determining an appropriate level of English for Erasmus / International Study.

Study targets:

It is recommended that students take both English Language B2-1 and English Language B2-2 prior to taking the B2-level English Examination, but it is not mandatory.


English Language B2-2 builds upon the vocabulary and basic grammar concepts introduced in English Language B2-1. Academic and technical vocabulary (including word formation: going from noun to verb, verb to adjective, etc.), grammar concepts (e.g., prepositions, gerunds vs. infinitives, articles, relative pronouns and passive voice), as well as reading and listening skills are explored further. English Language B2-2 also aims to improve student’s speaking abilities with an oral presentation project. Writing skills are touched upon briefly – in particular, information regarding formal letter writing.

Course outlines:

In order to receive credit, students are to:
1) miss no more than 2 classes
2) participate actively during class
3) work independently on home assignments (it is expected that students will study for 3 hours per week – outside of class)
4) complete an oral presentation project
5) pass two tests with at least a 65% average of the total points

Exercises outline:

1) Week 1 MODULE ONE: Oral Presentations; Prepositions; Vocabulary – Word Formation
2) Week 2 MODULE TWO: Identifying the Main Ideas in a Text; Vocabulary: single-word verbs and multi-word verbs & word formation practice; Prepositions
3) Week 3 MODULE THREE: Listening Practice; Preposition Practice
4) Week 4 MODULE FOUR: Key Word Sentence Transformation Practice
5) Week 5 MODULE FIVE: Introduction to Articles; Collective Nouns / Using Adjectives with Countable and Uncountable Nouns; Revision
6) Week 6 MODULE SIX: Midterm Test
7) Week 7 MODULE SEVEN: Listening Practice; Introduction to Formal Letter Writing
8) Week 8 MODULE EIGHT: Prepositions
9) Week 9 MODULE NINE: Scanning for Information; Prepositions; Vocabulary; Word Formation Practice; Listening Practice; Abstract nouns +of + -ing /to-infinitive
10) Week 10 MODULE TEN: Key Word Sentence Transformation Practice
11) Week 11 MODULE ELEVEN: Listening Practice; Revision
12) Week 12 MODULE TWELVE: Final Test
13) Week 13 Spare week
14) Week 14 Spare week


1) Hewings, M. (2012). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Academic English: An Integrated skills course for
2) EAP (English for Academic Purposes). Student’s Book. Upper - Intermediate.
3) McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2008). Cambridge University Press. Academic Vocabulary in Use.
4) Murphy, R. (2004). Cambridge University Press. English Grammar in Use. Intermediate.


This course is intended for students who have fulfilled their B1 klasikovaný zápočet requirement (it is highly recommended that students complete Anglický jazyk B1 - klasifikovaný zápočet - B0B04B1K, but it is not mandatory). It is recommended that students take English Language B2-1 prior to taking English Language B2-2, but it is not mandatory.

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPKYR_2021 Common courses V
BPSIT Common courses V
BPEEM1_2016 Applied Electrical Engineering V
BPEEM1_2018 Applied Electrical Engineering V
BPEEM_BO_2018 Common courses V
BPEK_2018 Common courses V
BPOI4_2018 Computer Games and Graphics V
BPOI3_2018 Software V
BPOI2_2018 Internet of Things V
BPOI1_2018 Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science V
BPOI_BO_2018 Common courses V
BPEEM2_2018 Electrical Engineering and Management V
BPBIO_2018 Common courses V
BKEEK_2016 Common courses V
BPOI_BO_2016 Common courses V
BPEEM_BO_2016 Common courses V
BPOI4_2016 Computer Games and Graphics V
BPOI3_2016 Software V
BPOI2_2016 Internet of Things V
BPOI1_2016 Computer and Information Science V
BPKYR_2016 Common courses V
BPEK_2016 Common courses V
BPEEM2_2016 Electrical Engineering and Management V

Page updated 15.1.2025 17:51:40, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)