Subject description - B0B04B11

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B0B04B11 English Language B1-1
Roles:V Extent of teaching:2C
Department:13104 Language of teaching:
Guarantors:Juna Jennings P. Completion:Z
Lecturers:  Credits:0
Tutors:Havlíčková M., Juna Jennings P., Procházková H. Semester:Z

Web page:


Course objective: Broadening the basic knowledge of general English; mastering basic specialised language; focusing on text analysis and vocabulary expansion; understanding spoken English.

Study targets:

Broadening the basic knowledge of general English


Broadening the basic knowledge of general English

Course outlines:

Week 1 Introduction, General Information on Studies, Libraries Czech Technical University G - General Revision (Verbs, Nouns, Word Order, Questions etc.) HW: Prepare text "History of Video and Computer Games" Week 2 History of Video and Computer Games G - Past Simple, Past Continuous HW: Prepare text "Measurements and Conversion" Week 3 Measurements and Conversions G - Direct and Indirect Questions HW: Prepare text "Computers" Week 4 Computers G - Adjectives and Adverbs Week 5 Revision for the Midterm Test G - Past Simple x Present Perfect Simple / Continuous Week 6 Midterm Test (45 min) G - Phrasal Verbs HW: Prepare text "Robotics" Week 7 Robotics G - Modals HW: Prepare text "Lasers" Week 8 Lasers G - Tenses Expressing the Future HW: Prepare text "Energy" Week 9 Energy G - Time Clauses HW: Prepare text "Tracking" Week 10 Tracking G - Countables and Uncountables G - Gerunds and Infinitives after Need/Used Week 11 Revision for the Final Test Week 12 Final Term Test (90 min) Week 13 Spare Week Week 14 Final Test Checking, Credits

Exercises outline:

Week 1 Introduction, General Information on Studies, Libraries Czech Technical University G - General Revision (Verbs, Nouns, Word Order, Questions etc.) HW: Prepare text "History of Video and Computer Games" Week 2 History of Video and Computer Games G - Past Simple, Past Continuous HW: Prepare text "Measurements and Conversion" Week 3 Measurements and Conversions G - Direct and Indirect Questions HW: Prepare text "Computers" Week 4 Computers G - Adjectives and Adverbs Week 5 Revision for the Midterm Test G - Past Simple x Present Perfect Simple / Continuous Week 6 Midterm Test (45 min) G - Phrasal Verbs HW: Prepare text "Robotics" Week 7 Robotics G - Modals HW: Prepare text "Lasers" Week 8 Lasers G - Tenses Expressing the Future HW: Prepare text "Energy" Week 9 Energy G - Time Clauses HW: Prepare text "Tracking" Week 10 Tracking G - Countables and Uncountables G - Gerunds and Infinitives after Need/Used Week 11 Revision for the Final Test Week 12 Final Term Test (90 min) Week 13 Spare Week Week 14 Final Test Checking, Credits


[1] Set of materials K 13104 - see


Pro získání zápočtu je nutná aktivní účast na cvičeních (tolerují se dvě absence za semestr) a úspěšné absolvování zápočtových testů. Absence je nutno omlouvat neprodleně a prokazatelným způsobem (email apod.), na pozdější nebo nedoložené omluvy nelze brát zřetel. v případě přechodu na online výuku se mohou podmínky změnit.

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Page updated 23.3.2025 17:51:03, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z,L/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)