Subject description - XP34ADM

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XP34ADM Principles and Applications of Device Models
Roles:S Extent of teaching:1P+3C+3D
Department:13134 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Voves J. Completion:ZK
Lecturers:Voves J. Credits:4
Tutors:Voves J. Semester:Z,L


Fundamentals of the computer-aided technological design. Device simulators Silvaco Atlas and Synopsys Quantum ATK: principles, applications. Basic equations. Boundary conditions. Numerical methods. Recombination models. Avalanche ionisation models. Mobility models. Practical exercises (individual projects) according to the tasks of students' individual theses.

Study targets:

To gain the theoretical knowledge and practical applications of device models and tools.


Introduction into theoretical models used in device simulation. Application of these model by solving the individual projects in connection with the student's research work.

Course outlines:

1. Fundamentals of the computer-aided technological design
2. Technology simulators
3. Device simulators.
4. Device simulation principle, applications
5. Basic equations
6. Boundary conditions
7. Numerical methods
8. Recombination models
9. Avalanche ionisation models
10. Mobility models
11. Mixed-mode simulation.
12. Heat-flow equation.
13. Quantum models.
14. Comparison of different TCAD tools

Exercises outline:

1. TCAD practical introduction
2. TCAD inputs, outputs, graphical interface
3. TCAD individual project
4. TCAD individual project
5. TCAD individual project
6. TCAD individual project
7. TCAD individual project
8 Project midterm presentation
9. TCAD individual project
10. TCAD individual project
11. TCAD individual project
12. TCAD individual project
13. TCAD individual project
14. Project final presentation


Silvaco TCAD manuals, Silvaco Inc. 2017, Synopsys/Quantumwise Reference manual 2017
M. Lundstrom, J. Guo: Nanoscale Transistors - Device physics, Modeling and Simulation, Springer 2006
K. Goser, P. Glösekötter, J. Dienstuhl, Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems, Springer, 2004.
Ch. Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th ed., Wiley 2005


Semiconductor physics


Principles and Applications of Device Models


TCAD, device models, simulation

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 20.1.2025 05:51:30, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)