Subject description - BE4B39VGO
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The aim of this course is to provide theory behind geometric modeling and modeling of materials, give students an overview of methods used in the process of creating 2D and 3D graphics and how to apply those methods in praxis. At the seminars, students will learn how to design and create three-dimensional scene, create and apply textures imitating materials (e.g., wall finishes, wood, sky) and geometrical details, and position and set-up lights in the scene.
Study targets:
The aim of this course is to give to students an overview of methods to create 2D and 3D graphics content and how to apply those methods in praxis.
Course outlines:
1. | | Polygonal representation of 2D and 3D objects. |
2. | | Polygonal modeling of 3D objects |
3. | | Polynomial representation and modeling of 2D objects with Beziér curves |
4. | | Polynomial representation and modeling of 2D objects with B-spline curves |
5. | | Polynomial representation and modeling of 3D objects |
6. | | Subdivision surfaces and other 3D modeling techniques |
7. | | Color perception and representation |
8. | | Light, color, and materials in 3D modeling |
9. | | Representing materials with textures |
10. | | 2D raster graphics |
11. | | Operations with raster images |
12. | | Levels of detail |
13. | | Procedural modeling of 2D and 3D objects |
14. | | Reserve |
Exercises outline:
1. | | Introduction to the course, mathematics for computer graphics |
2. | | Introduction to the 3D modeling software |
3. | | Using primitive objects and modifiers to block 3D object |
4. | | Free-form modeling of 3D object |
5. | | Free-form modeling of 3D object |
6. | | Sculpting a 3D object |
7. | | 1st test |
8. | | Materials of 3D models |
9. | | Texturing of 3D models |
10. | | Texture painting and texture baking |
11. | | Image composition |
12. | | Levels of detail |
13. | | 2nd test |
14. | | Credits |
[1] | | S. Marschner and P. Shirley, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 4th edition, CRC Press, 2016. |
[2] | | Jiří Žára, Bedřich Beneš, Jiří Sochor, Petr Felkel. Moderní počítačová grafika, 2. vydání. Computer Press, 2005. |
[3] | | I. Kerlow, Mistrovství 3D animace, Computer Press, 2011. |
Computer graphics, 2D and 3D modeling
Subject is included into these academic programs:
Page updated 17.9.2024 14:51:39, semester: Z,L/2023-4, Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |