Subject description - BAB02CHE

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BAB02CHE Chemistry for Bioengineering
Roles:P Extent of teaching:2P+1L
Department:13102 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Přech J. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Mazur M., Přech J. Credits:3
Tutors:Mazur M., Přech J. Semester:Z

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Students will learn the basic areas of applied chemistry in biomedical engineering and technology. At the same time, this course will introduce other chemical disciplines. During laboratory exercises, students should acquire basic laboratory techniques used in chemical laboratories focused primarily on the analysis of substances and materials. Laboratory exercises are preceded by exercises focused on practical calculations for laboratory practice.

Study targets:

Mastering of chemical knowledge. Mastering of basic chemistry overview, conformation of atoms and its relations with particular characteristics of elements, usage in practice, physical chemistry. To get knowledge and practical skills in analytical chemistry. Important part is mastering of common calculation process in laboratory praktice as well as in theoretical researches.


Composition of atom, chemical bonds, properties of solutions, theory of acids and bases, gases in medicine, electrolysis and types of electrodes, analytical methods, thermodynamic systems, reversible and irreversible processes, kinetics of chemical reactions.

Course outlines:

1. Particle composition of substances
2. Chemical bonds and properties of molecules
3. Chemical reactions, composition and properties of solutions, activity
4. Theory of acids and bases, acid-base balance, electrolytes
5. Properties of aqueous solutions
6. Water for medicine, treatment, quality measurement
7. Gases in medicine, liquefaction, solubility, interfacial equilibrium
8. Electrodes and electrode potential, electrochemical cell, redox potential, pH
9. Analytical methods, conductometry, polarography
10. Biochemical analytical methods, chromatography
11. Diffusion and osmotic phenomena
12. Thermodynamics of reaction systems
13. Kinetics of chemical reactions and bioreactions
14. Electrolysis, fuel cells

Exercises outline:

1. Chemical calculations (stoichiometry)
2. Chemical calculations (composition of solutions)
3. Basic laboratory techniques - weighing, dissolution, filtration, preparation of solutions, pipetting, measurement and dosing of volumes, burettes basics of work with chemicals
4. Conductometry
5. Diffusion processes, electrophoresis, ion exchangers
6. pH, selective electrodes
7. Fuel cell, credit


Atkins, P., Paula, J.: Atkins' Physical Chemistry. (Eighth Edition). Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006 CHANG, Raymond. Chemistry. 9th ed. Boston: McGrawHill Higher Education, c2007. ISBN 978-0-07-298060-8. CLARK, Jim. Calculations in AS/A level chemistry. Harlow: Longman, 2000. ISBN 0-582-41127-0.


Conditions of credit: Obligatory and active attendance at all tutorials. Absences are acceptable for serious reasons only and must be apologized and recompensed. Student has to come in time. For each lab session working out a report in corresponding quality. Successful completion of credit test. The exam consists of a written test and an oral exam. Answers to questions are scored according to difficulty. The test is followed by oral testing. The overall evaluation of the exam is based on the valid classification scale. If the result of any part is rated F, the test result is automatically F.


Composition of atom, chemical bonds, properties of solutions, theory of acids and bases, electrolysis, types of electrodes, analytical methods, thermodynamic systems, reversible and irreversible processes, kinetics of chemical reactions.

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPBIO_2018 Common courses P 3

Page updated 22.3.2025 05:51:18, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, L/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)