Subject description - BE3M35CSA

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BE3M35CSA Control Systems for Aircraft and Spacecraft
Roles:P Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13135 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:7
Tutors:  Semester:Z

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System Approach. Object, System, Model. Dynamic Systems Continuous and Discrete Time, Qualitative Analysis of Systems. Poincare Map, Chaos. Linear Systems. System Stability, Uncertainty and Robustness. Controllability and Observability. State Feedback, State Injection, Duality. Stochastic Systems, Realization of Stochastic Processes.

Course outlines:

1. System Theory and Cybernetics, Object, Model, System
2. Linear and Nonlinear Continuous Time Systems
3. Linear and Nonlinear Discrete Time Systems
4. Qualitative Properties of Nonlinear Systems, Bifurcation and Chaos
5. Realization of SISO Systems
6. Composite Systems
7. Stability and Robustness
8. Reachability and Observability
9. Decomposition and Realization, Order Reduction
10. State Feedback
11. State Observers. Separation Principle
12. Output Feedback
13. Uncertainty and its Descriptrion. Stochastic Systems
14. Properties of Output Stochastic Signal. Realization Theorem

Exercises outline:

The aim of the laboratories is to explain theory presented by the lectures and to solve given problem using MATLAB.
1. Introduction and Repetition
2. Dynamical Properties of Continuous and Discrete Time Systems
3. Examples of Economic, Ecologic and Technical Systems
4. Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
5. Discrete Time Systems. Chaotical Behavior of Systems
6. Linear Systems, Linearization, Realization
7. Composite Systems
8. Criterions of Stability, Robust Stability Criterion
9. Criterions of Controllability and Observability
10. System Order Reduction,
11. Examples how to Change Dynamic Properties of System
12. State Observer Design
13. Analysis of Stochastic Systems
14. Realization of Random Signals


[1] Kailath, T.: Linear Systems. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York,
[2] Antsaklis, P.J., Michel, A.N.: Linear Systems. The McGraw-Hill Co., 1997


Basic knowledge of Linear algebra, Basic knowledge of control theory.


System. State space equations, State feedback, Observer, Algebraic theory of control.

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
SPACEMASTER_2020 Common courses P 3
SPACEMASTER_II Cybernetics and Robotics P 3
SPACEMASTER_2018 Cybernetics and Robotics P 3

Page updated 10.2.2025 07:51:10, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)