Subject description - BE3M35SRL

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BE3M35SRL Flight Control Systems
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13135 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Hromčík M. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Hromčík M. Credits:6
Tutors:Hromčík M. Semester:Z

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The course is devoted to classical and modern control design techniques for autopilots and flight control systems. Particular levels are discussed, starting with the dampers attitude angle stabilizers, to guidance and navigation systems. Next to the design itself, important aspects of aircraft modelling, both as a rigid body and considering flexibility of the structure, are discussed

Study targets:

Design and validation of flight control laws for aerospace applications.


Flight dynamics. Flight control systems architectures. Nonlinear and linearized models. Dampers. Attitude hold autopilots. VOR, ILS. Mission planning. Air traffic modelling and control.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction. Motivation.
2. Modelling the aircraft dynamics.
3. Linearized equations of motion. Longitudinal and lateral dynamics.
4. Longitudinal motin:dampers, attitude hold autopilots.
5. Lateral motion:dampers, attitude hold autopilots.
6. Quadratic-optimal design of dampers.
7. Quadratic-optimal design and attitude hold autopilots.
8. Path following problems: horizontal plane.
9. Stabilization of vertical speed.
10. Final approach.
11. Automatic landing systems.
12. Mission planning
13. Automatic avoidance ad conflicts resolution.
14. Air traffic modelling and control.

Exercises outline:

Labs are devoted to two semestral projects - autopilot design and a satellite stabilzation hybrid control system design and simulation validation.


Nelson, Flight stability and automatic control, Springer, 2003, ISBN: 978-0070462731. Stevens, Lewis, Aircraft simulation and control. Wiley, 2003, ISBN: 978-0471371458.


Signals, systems and controls fundamentals.

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
MEKYR_2021 Common courses PV 3

Page updated 17.2.2025 14:51:18, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)