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The course deals with important applications of analogue technique.
The subject is divided into the three basic parts. The first part is devoted to amplifiers and analog functional blocks for measurement and signal processing. Special application amplifiers, nonlinear and parametric analog functional blocks and fast analog circuits operating in current mode are also discussed. The second part is devoted to linear analog systems, their characteristics, description and synthesis capabilities. There are discussed: the types of filters and their field of application, methods of filter synthesis and their optimization with regard to real properties and value variances of the circuit elements, implementation of active filters, including discrete-time filters, i.e. switched capacitor (SC) and switched-current (SI) circuits. The last part deals with computer-aided circuit design. The principles of modeling of the analyzed system, including models of functional blocks and circuit elements are discussed together with simulation result processing and their utilization for circuit design and optimization.
Course outlines:
Exercises outline:
[1] | | Johns D., Martin K.: Analog Integrated Circuit Design, John Wiley, |
Inc., 1997
[2] | | Corne D., Dorigo M., Glover F.: New Ideas in Optimization, |
McGraw-Hill, UK, 1999
[3] | | Gray P.R., Hurst P.J., Lewis S.H., Meyer R.G.: Analysis and Design |
of Analog Integrated Circuits, John Wiley & Sons, U.S., 2001 [4] Toumazou C., Lidgey F.J., Haigh D.G.: Analogue IC Design: the Current-Mode Approach. Peter Peregrinus, Ltd, 1993.
[5] | | Binkley D.M.: Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. |
[6] | | Schaumann R., Ghausi M.S., Laker K. R.: Design of Analog Filters, Passive, Active RC, and Switched Capacitor, Prentice Hall, 1990. |
[7] | | www stránky firem Texas Instruments, Analog Devices, Maxim, Linear |
Technology, National Semiconductor
Subject is included into these academic programs:
Page updated 17.1.2025 09:51:20, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |