Subject description - XP15RE

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XP15RE Control of Power Systems
Roles:S Extent of teaching:2P+2S
Department:13115 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Müller Z. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Müller Z. Credits:4
Tutors:Müller Z. Semester:Z,L


Objective functions of power system control, feasibility and algorithms of optimization methods, handling of constrain conditions. Hierarchy and decomposition of system controlling tasks. System state estimation. Load forecasting and load curve civering. Unit commitment. Optimization of operation with respect to net topology constrains.Control of voltage and reactive powers balance. Control of frequency and active powers balance. Optimal power flow. Dynamical models of power stations and systems.Solution of extraordinary states.. Dispatch, system and subsidiary services.

Course outlines:

Exercises outline:



Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 7.2.2025 15:55:26, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)