Subject description - XP02VPO

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XP02VPO Selected Topics of Optics
Roles:S Extent of teaching:2P+2S
Department:13102 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Kravárik J. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Kravárik J., Krpenský A. Credits:4
Tutors:Kravárik J., Krpenský A. Semester:Z

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Properties of light, wave equation, plane wave, polarization, reflection and refraction, natural and artificial anisotropy, optical modulators, coherence, interference, thin films, interferometers, diffraction, optical grating, holography, methods of visualization, normal and anomalous dispersion, optical image formation, optical devices, photometry, colorimetry, atoms radiation, stimulated emission, lasers.


Properties of light, wave equation, plane wave, polarization, reflection and refraction, natural and artificial anisotropy, optical modulators, coherence, interference, thin films, interferometers, diffraction, optical grating, holography, methods of visualization, normal and anomalous dispersion, optical image formation, optical devices, photometry, colorimetry, atoms radiation, stimulated emission, lasers.

Course outlines:

1. Basic properties of light, wave equation, plane wave, polarization, energy
2. Reflection and refraction , Fresnel's formula, reflections at metal surface
3. Elements of crystals optics, anizotropic crystals, polarizers, phase plate
4. Artificial anisotropy, methods of realization, electrooptical modulators
5. Theory of interference, coherent radiation and sources, interference on thin film
6. Application of interference: reflections and antireflection coatings, interferometers
7. Diffraction on circular hole and screen, optical gratings, method of phase contrast
8. Holography, holographic recording and wavefront reconstruction, applications
9. Schlieren and shadow methods of visualization, schlieren systems, applications
10. Dispersion of light, dispersion relation, normal and anomalous dispersion
11. Optical image formation, optical systems, optical devices, aberration
12. Photometry, eye and vision, photometrical units, foundations of colorimetry
13. Radiation of atoms and molecules, spectra, spectroscopy, spectral analysis
14. Stimulated emission, lasers, applications

Exercises outline:

1. Polarization by reflection at interface of dielectrics, Brewster's angle
2. Thin film polarizer
3. Transfer function of electrooptical modulator
4. Contrast rate of optical system with Pockel's cell
5. Measurement with a schlieren system
6. Michelson interferometer, coherence length
7. Index of refraction calculation from interference fringes shift
8. Diffraction on circular hole, screen and fiber
9. Diffraction on optical slit and grating
10. Magnification of optical devices
11. Spectral measurements
12. Spectral analysis
13. Demonstration of laser system
14. Demonstration of XUV-radiation source


[1] Born, M., Wolf, E.: Principles of Optics, Pergamon Press Oxford 1968


Ke zkoušce je požadován zápočet.


physical and geometric optics

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 22.3.2025 17:51:08, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)