Subject description - XP02VNP

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XP02VNP Plasma Waves and Instabilities
Roles:S Extent of teaching:3P+1C
Department:13102 Language of teaching:
Guarantors:Kulhánek P. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Krpenský A., Kulhánek P. Credits:4
Tutors:Krpenský A., Kulhánek P. Semester:Z

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Basic wave phenomena will be introduced in the first part of the lecture (dispersion relation, phase and group velocities, Fourier analysis). Fundamental plasma dispersion relations will be derived from the linearized MHD equations (magnetoacoustic waves - Alfven, F and S wave; electromagnetic waves in plasma - O, X, R, L wave, CMA diagram). The second part of the lecture will be devoted to final size waves, nonlinear phenomena (Landau damping) and solitons in plasma.

Study targets:

Basics of plasma physics and linear wave theory.


V úvodu přednášky budou probrány základní pojmy z teorie vlnění (disperzní relace, fázová a grupová rychlost, Fourierova analýza). Z linearizovaných MHD rovnic odvodíme základní typy disperzních relací v plazmatu (magnetoakustické vlny - Alfvénova vlna, F a S vlna; elektromagnetické vlny v plazmatu - O, X, R, L vlna, CMA diagram) a základní typy frekvencí. Další část přednášky bude věnována vlnám konečné amplitudy, nelineárním jevům (Landauův útlum) a solitonům

Course outlines:

1. Sound in hydrodynamics.
2. MHD equations.
3. Low frequency wave complex, megnetoacoustic waves
4. High frequency wave complex. Plasma oscillations and waves
5. Resonant and cutoff frequencies.
6. CMA diagram
7. Finit amplitude phenomena, Hartman solution.
8. Basic instabilities in plasma.
9. Instabilities of current filament.
10. Other instabilities
11. Magnetic reconnection, alpha effect.
12. Nonlinear phenomena
13. Landau damping
14. Solitons

Exercises outline:

dimensional analysis linearization of equations Fourier transformation disperse relation phase and group velocity calculation cutoff and resonant frequency calculation instabilities in dispersion relation boundary condotions KdV equation nonlinear phenomena


1. P. Kulhánek: Úvod do teorie plazmatu; AGA 2011
2. P. Kulhánek: Vybrané kapitoly z teoretické fyziky, AGA 2017
3. P. Kulhánek: Teorie elektromagnetického pole, online, 2020


Theoretical Physics 1


plasma, instability, waves, dispersion relation, reconnection, soliton, Landau damping

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 20.1.2025 05:51:30, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)