Subject description - BE3M38ASE

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BE3M38ASE Automotive sensors and networks
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13138 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Novák J. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Novák J., Platil A., Sobotka J. Credits:6
Tutors:Novotný D., Platil A., Sobotka J. Semester:L

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The course provides students with a deeper insight into the functional principles of advanced sensor systems in cars, methods of signal processing in sensors and explains how to use them in vehicle subsystems. It also deals with distributed vehicle systems for real-time control and methods of their testing. Theoretical lectures are complemented by practical laboratory teaching with real elements (ECUs, sensors) of modern vehicles.

Study targets:

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the functional principles and methods of using advanced sensor systems in cars and to teach them the practical implementation of related algorithms for signal processing from sensors. Next goal is to explain in detail the functional principles of vehicle distributed systems for real-time control and methods of their design (planning, scheduling). The last goal is to provide an overview of methods for testing vehicle distributed systems, especially at the integration testing level.


The course is devoted to the principles of complex vehicle sensors (radar, lidar ...), methods of signal processing in them and ways of using advanced sensor systems in cars. It also deals with technologies of vehicle distributed systems (CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet), their planning and implementation for real-time control applications. Finally, it deals with methods of testing vehicle distributed systems at the level of individual control units (ECU) and system integration (HIL/SIL methods).

Course outlines:

1. Vehicle distributed control systems, requirements, structure, functions.
2. Sensors of autonomous vehicles - overview, radar
3. Sensors of autonomous vehicles - lidar, ultrasonic sensors, cameras
4. Special sensors (rain sensor…)
5. Vehicle Networks (CAN FD)
6. Vehicle networks (LIN, FlexRay)
7. Communication planning and scheduling
8. Automotive Ethernet, Audio Video bridging
9. Time Sensitive Networks, AUTOSAR
10. Design and testing of vehicle electronic systems
11. Model-driven design, Model-based testing.
12. HIL, SIL, methods of test prioritization
13. Vehicle communication with the outside environment (V2X)
14. Security aspects of communication technologies

Exercises outline:

Laboratory exercises are focused on the practical application of theoretical knowledge. They will require homework in the form of self-study and subsequent elaboration of a protocol evaluating the measured or otherwise obtained results, their agreement with theoretical assumptions and justifying any differences. During the laboratory exercises, students will use microprocessor kits with integrated sensors and vehicle communication interfaces, automotive ECUs and sensors, and practical experience with real HIL systems used for car integration testing will be available.


[1] Ripka, P., Tipek, A.: Modern Sensors Handbook, ISTE 2007, ISBN 978-1-905209-66-8
[2] Navet, N., Simonot-Lion, F.: Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook, CRC Press 2017, ISBN 0849380278



radar, lidar, CAN, LIN, Automotive Ethernet

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
MEKYR_2021 Common courses PV 2

Page updated 14.3.2025 15:51:22, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)