Subject description - XP34SDS

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XP34SDS Semiconductor Structures
Roles:S Extent of teaching:2P
Department:13134 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Hazdra P. Completion:ZK
Lecturers:Hazdra P. Credits:3
Tutors:Hazdra P. Semester:L


The aim of this course is to provide postgraduate students with a deeper and more detailed insight into principles of and properties of advanced electronic and optoelectronic structures. Completion of this course enables doctoral students to deepen the basic knowledge, which they obtained in the bachelor and master stages of study in the field of semiconductor structures and elements. They will be able to solve scientific tasks in electronics and optoelectronics focused on design, analysis and applications advanced electronic and optoelectronic structures. The student will gain deep knowledge of physics principles of PiN and MOS structures, as these dominate the current integrated and power semiconductor technology. The lecture will be further focused on the use of new principles associated with miniaturization and the use of advanced materials. Higher-order phenomena whose knowledge is essential for understanding the current semiconductor devices will be described. It is expected that the course will focus on specific issues according to the interests and scientific focus of the participants.

Study targets:

Detailed insight into principles of and properties of advanced electronic and optoelectronic structures.


The course provides a deeper and more detailed insight into principles of and properties of advanced electronic and optoelectronic structures. Students will gain deep knowledge of physics principles of PiN and MOS structures, as these dominate the current integrated and power semiconductor technology. The lecture will be further focused on the use of new principles associated with miniaturization and the use of advanced materials. Higher-order phenomena whose knowledge is essential for understanding the current semiconductor devices will be described. It is expected that the course will focus on specific issues according to the interests and scientific focus of the participants.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction to semiconductors, semiconductor materials (Si, SiC, GaN, etc.) and their properties.
2. PN junction, thermodynamic equilibrium, forward and reverse polarization, barrier and diffusion capacity,
breakdown mechanisms, temperature phenomena.
3. Metal-semiconductor transition, Schottky and ohmic contacts, forward and reverse characteristics, breakdown and leakage.
4. Hetero-transitions and heterostructures. Quantum structures - quantum pits, wires and dots.
5. Semiconductor diodes. PiN, Schottky and MPS diode, rectifier diodes and fast recovery diodes. Silicon
and SiC diodes.
6. Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure: surface states, depletion, accumulation, weak and strong inversion, threshold
voltage, potential well, breakdown mechanisms.
7. MOSFET: structure, principles of operation, ideal and real characteristics, threshold voltage, reverse effect
gates, breakdown voltage and temperature dependence characteristics.
8. MOSFET: high frequency and switching properties, scaling and short channel effects. High-Electron-
Mobility-Transistor (HEMT), advanced MOSFET structures (SOI, FinFET, tense silicon, high-k dielectrics, etc.).
9. Bipolar transistor (BJT): structure, principles of operation, Ebers-Moll model, Early effect, avalanche breakdown,
characteristics, models. Bipolar transistor with heterotransition (HBT).
10. Power semiconductor structures: MOSFET, IGBT and thyristor - principles, structures, characteristics.
11. JFETs and MESFETs. Transistors using quantum effects: HEMT, SET, etc. Semiconductor memories:
principles, types and applications.
12. Optical properties of semiconductors, light-solid interactions: absorption, emission, stimulated emission, exciton, photocurrent.
13. Light detectors (PN, PiN, APD, MS, quantum effect detectors - principles,
characteristics, parameters, noise), solar cells, CCD structures.
14. Sources of radiation - light-emitting diodes and semiconductor lasers, principles, structures, characteristics, static and dynamic parameters.

Exercises outline:


Povinná literatura:
[1] B.G. Streetman, S.K. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall/Pearson 2015
[2] J.N. Burghartz, Guide to State-Of-the-Art Electron Devices, Wiley2013
Doporučená literatura:
[1] D.K. Schroder, Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, John Wiley, 2015
[2] P. Valizadeh, Field Effect Transistors, a Comprehensive Overview : From Basic Concepts to Novel Technologies,
John Wiley, 2016
[3] A. Chen, J. Hutchby, Emerging Nanoelectronic Devices, John Wiley 2014
[4] J.J. Liou, Nano Devices and Sensors, De Gruyter, Inc. 2016



semiconductors; semiconductor structures; electron devices

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 20.1.2025 07:51:54, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)