Subject description - XP34EHA

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XP34EHA Renewable Energy Microsources for Electronics - Energy Harvesting
Roles:S Extent of teaching:2P
Department:13134 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Husák M. Completion:ZK
Lecturers:Husák M. Credits:4
Tutors:Husák M. Semester:


The course deals with system integration applied in the design of digital and analog systems with application of system engineering, in i tis solved interconnection of various types of modern electronic systems on a chip as well as external. The course shows new possibilities of realization and application of integrated micro-components working with various physical principles and quantities using mainly MEMS technology, increasing reliability with all its attributes. The course introduces modern elements - microactuators with various principles of their activities including basic applications in industry, medicine, regulation, automotive control, etc. Basic elements of nanotechnology and nanoelectronic structures are mentioned here. The subject extends students' expertise with the latest multidisciplinary chip elements and their wide use in information technologies, IoT, biomedicine, aerospace, automotive industry etc.


Jedná se o předmět sdružující různé obory na čipu (elektronika, fotonika, mechanika, biochemie.), předmět přinášející informace o vývoji nových struktur a systémů na čipu a jejich aplikací, zahrnuje informace o nových mikrosystémových technologiích uplatňovaných v informačních technologiích, IoT a dalších důležitých oblastech. Využívá znalosti z odborných předmětů zajišťovaných především v magisterských studijních programech Ek a OES. Předmět je zajišťovaný dynamickým způsobem, a proto předmět může být navštěvován i studenty z dalších studijních programů. Předměty obdobného typu jsou součástí kurzů řady technicky zaměřených prestižních univerzit: MIT: 6.717[J] Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Systems ( Berkeley: EE 147. Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) ( ETH Zurich: 151-0621-00L Microsystems I: Process Technology and Integration, 636-0203-00L Lab Course: Microsystems and Microfluidics in Biology, 636-0114-00L Microsensors and Microsystems, 151-0172-00 U Microsystems II: Devices and Applications, 151-0642-00L Seminar on Micro and Nanosystems (

Course outlines:

Basic energy harvestor (EH) structures, energy domains, importance, interdisciplinary, applications, system integration of digital and analog systems, multi-chip configuration
2. Physical phenomena, design methods, interconnection of systems
3. EH parameters, scaling, pick-up of energy
4. Basic EH blocks, converters, power supply management
5. Basic mechanisms and structures used in EH
6. Electrostatic principle, basic structures, used technologies, circuits solving, parameters, applications in a practice
7. Piezoelectric principle, basic structures, used technologies, circuits solving, parameters, applications in a practice
8. Electromagnetic principle, basic structures, used technologies, circuits solving, parameters, applications in a practice
9. Thermal principle, basic structures, used technologies, circuits solving, parameters, applications in a practice
10. RF principle, basic structures, used technologies, circuits solving, parameters, applications in a practice
11. Biochemical principle, basic structures, used technologies, circuits solving, parameters, applications in a practice
12. Wind principle, basic structures, used technologies, circuits solving, parameters, applications in a practice
13. Micro and nanotechnology for design and realization of EHs
14. Design and realization of EH structures

Exercises outline:

Introduction, organization of the seminars, introduction to safety in work
2. Introduction to the modeling and simulation (programs ANSYS/Coventorware)
3. Simulation and modeling of the selected EH structure (ANSYS /Coventorware)
4. Simulation and modeling of the selected EH structure (ANSYS /Coventorware)
5. Design and modeling of the selected EH structure (ANSYS /Coventorware) (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
6. Design and modeling of the selected EH structure (ANSYS /Coventorware) (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
7. Design and modeling of the selected EH structure (ANSYS /Coventorware) (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
8. Realization of the selected part of the EH structure in CTU/FEE technology (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
9. Realization of the selected part of the EH structure in CTU/FEE technology (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
10. Realization of the selected part of the EH structure in CTU/FEE technology (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
11. Realization of the selected part of the EH structure in CTU/FEE technology (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
12. Characterization of realized the EH structure (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
13. Measurement of of realized the EH structure (device purchased from the project OPVVV)
14. Presentation of semester projects


Povinná literatura:
[1] Husák Miroslav: Mikrosenzory a mikroaktuátory, Academia, 2008, ISBN 978 80 200 1478 8
[2] Peng Huisheng: Fiber-Shaped Energy Harvesting and Storage Devices, Springer 2015, ISBN13 (EAN): 9783662457436
[3] Spies Peter: Handbook of Energy Harvesting Power Supplies and Applications, Taylor & Francis, 2012, ISBN13 (EAN) 9789814241861
Doporučená literatura:
[1] Elvin Niell: Advances in Energy Harvesting Methods, Springer, 2013, ISBN / EAN 9781461457046
[2] Bowen Christopher R.: Modern Piezoelectric Energy-Harvesting Materials, Springer 2016, ISBN13 (EAN) 9783319291413
[3] Briscoe Joe: Nanostructured Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters, Springer 2014, ISBN13 (EAN) 9783319096315
[4] Hehn Thorsten: CMOS Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters - Efficient Power Extraction, Interface Modeling and Loss Analysis, Springer 2016, ISBN13 (EAN) 9789402403541


Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 20.1.2025 07:51:54, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)