Subject description - B6B36EAR

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B6B36EAR Enterprise Architectures
Roles:PS, P Extent of teaching:2P+2C+2D
Department:13136 Language of teaching:
Guarantors:Křemen P. Completion:KZ
Lecturers:Aubrecht P., Křemen P. Credits:5
Tutors:Aubrecht P., Blaško M., Křemen P., Ledvinka M., Řimnáč M. Semester:Z

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The course offers an overview of enterprise system architectures, focusing on Spring and Java EE. Students will become familiar with the most common enterprise architectures and related design patterns. In particular, the focus will be put on the principles of inversion control, dependency injection and Java Bean lifecycle. Pairs of students will prepare a simple enterprise application as their semestral work.

Study targets:

Students will get theoretical and practical skills for independent enterprise application design and development. They will become familiar with common software frameworks and the way how to integrate them.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction, client-server, multi-tier architecture, Java EE, Servlets
2. Java EE architecture and technologies, Design and architectonic patterns, MVC, DAO
3. Database access, Object-relational mapping, JPA 2.0
4. Spring, DI, modules
5. HTTP, principles of REST
6. Web services, design of REST services
7. Enterprise application security
8. Advanced topics in JPA, Spring
9. Application servers, web sockets
10. Principles of client design for web applications
11. Performance, scalability, high-availability
12. Selected techniques and libraries (Java 8/9/10, application access to non-relational data sources)
13. Enterprise search
14. Practical deployments of enterprise applications - panel discussion

Exercises outline:

1. Labs organization, evaluation rules, semestral work topics, Configuration management in Java EE, Maven, Git
2. Creation and configuration of a project, architecture
3. JPA Modeling 1 - Example
4. Checkpoint 0, JPA Modeling 2 - Excercise
5. Spring
6. Debugging and testing
7. Web services, REST - Example
8. Web services, REST 2 - Excercise, consultation
9. Checkpoint 1
10. Securing enterprise applications
11. Advanced techniques of JPA and Spring, consultation
12. Consultation
13. Checkpoint 2
14. Checkpoint 2


Walls C.: Spring in Action, Fourth Edition, Manning Publications Company, 2013, ISBN: 9781617291203 Andrew Lee Rubinger, Bill Burke: Enterprise JavaBeans, 6th Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2010


The course expects knowledge of Java and relational databases, in particular conceptual/logical modeling, the SQL language and transactional processing. Knowledge of ORM basics is welcome.


Enterprise Java Beans, Spring, JPA 2.0, Inversion of control, Dependency injection, Java Server Faces

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPSIT_2021 Common courses PS 3
BPSIT1_2021 Enterprise systémy PS 3
BPSIT Common courses P 3

Page updated 5.12.2024 17:51:30, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)