Summary of Study |
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Explanatory Notes
The course is focused to the native and evoked biosignals used in clinical medicine and current methods of capturing, processing, recording and evaluating in the time and frequency domains. For important biological signals, the students are introduced with their genesis, and nature and physiological characteristics of the signals required for construction of instruments. Students are introduced also with the physical and mathematical models. In laboratory exercises, students have the opportunity to capture their own biological signals and their subsequent processing in MATLAB.
Study targets:
The aim of the study is to gain theoretical and practical knowledge about biological signals; their genesis, acquisition, analysis and processing.
Course outlines:
1. | | Introduction, biosignals, parameters |
2. | | Voice and speech, F0, formants, characteristics of voice, speech disorders, phonetogram |
3. | | Biological signal genesis, membrane potentials, neuron models |
4. | | Signal of nerves and muscles, ENG, EMG signal processing, fatigue analysis |
5. | | ECG systems ang signals, vector depolarization, the electrical cardiac axis |
6. | | Description of ECG, basic images of ECG, VCG, filtering |
7. | | Polycardiography - phonocardiography, pletysmogram. Wave detection, HRV. |
8. | | Signals of the brain, EEG, rhythms, normal EEG, analysis artifacts |
9. | | Abnormal EEG, graphoelements of paroxysmal activity, evoked potentials |
10. | | Electrooculogram and electroretinogram |
11. | | Polysomnography, classification of sleep stages |
12. | | Auditory system, cochlear implant and the coding strategy |
13. | | Pulmonary function, electrical activity of the stomach, elecrogastrogram |
Exercises outline:
1. | | Measurement and evaluation of response time |
2. | | Voice and speech |
3. | | Measuring the speed of nerve conduction ulnar nerve |
4. | | Electromyogram |
5. | | Consultation to the semester term |
6. | | Electrocardiogram and vectorkardiogram |
7. | | Filtering of ECG signals and noise suppression |
8. | | Polycardiography |
9. | | Electroencephalogram |
10. | | Evoked potentials, detection of epileptiform spikes |
11. | | Electrooculogram |
12. | | Measurement of lung volumes and capacities |
13. | | Electrogastrogram |
Rangaraj M. Rangayyan: Biomedical Signal Analysis: A Case-Study Approach, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2015
Katarzyn J. Blinowska, Jaroslaw Zygierewicz: Practical Biomedical Signal Analysis Using MATLAB, CRC Press 2011
Submission of a semester work on the topic of biological signal processing in Matlab
Biological signals
Subject is included into these academic programs:
Page updated 7.9.2024 12:51:27, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Z,L/2023-4, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |