Subject description - BD5B17TBK

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BD5B17TBK Wireless Communication Technique
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:14KP+6KL
Department:13117 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Hudec P. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Hudec P., Pechač P. Credits:4
Tutors:Too many persons Semester:L

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Wireless communications belong to the fastest developing technical fields. Besides widely used mobile telephony systems, this field also includes many other both mobile and stationary communicating systems. Different types of radio modems are also built in the majority of electronic devices like PCs, tablets, notebooks, cameras, etc. With expected fast development of Internet of Things, operation of billions of wireless sensors is expected. The subject is common to all students of the Electronics and Communication study program, its main purpose is to teach all important aspects of this technical branch. Obtained knowledge should enable the students to design, project, adjust or manufacture any wireless communication system or its components. Besides wireless system analysis, the lectures include review of physical backgrounds, survey of the most important existing radio systems together with corresponding operational frequencies, description of electromagnetic wave propagation and related antennas. Instructions concerning propagation also cover behavior of EM waves in an urban environment or inside buildings. Lectures concerning analysis of typical wireless systems also cover description of related radio-frequency, microwave and mm-wave circuits and components. Exercises include practical calculations of wireless systems, computer analysis and synthesis of important structures and circuits, and related laboratory measurements.

Course outlines:

1. Theoretical backgrounds of wireless communications
2. Structures of radio links and networks
3. RF transmission lines, impedance matching, Smith Chart
4. Parameters of RF and microwave circuits and systems
5. Passive components of radio systems - transmission lines, connectors, attenuators, filters, power dividers
6. Active components of radio systems - amplifiers, oscillators, multipliers, switches
7. Functions and structures of modern radio transmitters
8. Functions and structures of modern radio receivers
9. Basic signals and modulations
10. Fundamental measurement devices - scalar analyzer, vector analyzer, spectral analyzer
11. Antennas and their basic parameters
12. Propagation of spherical wave, reflections, difraction
13. Power budget of fixed terrestrial radio link
14. Power budget of mobile radio link

Exercises outline:

1. Parameters of radio circuits and systems
2. Smith chart, impedance matching
3. Design of coaxial and microstrip transmission lines
4. Analysis and optimization of filters
5. Analysis of transistor amplifiers
6. Design of impedance matching circuits
7. Spectrum analyzer - measurement of modulated signals from antenna
8. Spectrum analyzer - measurement of radio transmitters and receivers
9. Antenna measurements
10. Vector networ analyzer - measurement of R, L, C components
11. Scalar analyzer - measurement of RF radio circuits
12. Systems calculations of wireless radio links
13. Systems calculations of wireless radio links
14. Checking of individual projects and measurement reports


Drentea C.: Modern Communications ? Receiver Design and Technology, Artech House 2010. Sorrentino R., Bianchi G.: Microwave and RF Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, 2010. Egan W. F.: Practical RF System Design, John Wiley and Sons, 2003. McCune E.: Practical Digital Wireless Signals, Cambridge University Press 2010. Saunders, S., Aragon-Zavala, A., Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2007 Another study materials will be available at Moodle.


Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BKEEK_2016 Common courses PV 4

Page updated 8.9.2024 17:51:39, semester: Z/2025-6, L/2023-4, L/2024-5, Z/2023-4, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)