Subject description - BD5B17ELD

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BD5B17ELD Electrodynamics
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:14KP+6KS
Department:13117 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Macháč J. Completion:KZ
Lecturers:Macháč J. Credits:4
Tutors:Macháč J. Semester:L

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This subject empowers its students with a unified approach to time-varying electromagnetic fields and waves.

Study targets:

Enable students to understand basic electrodynamics.


Electromegnetic waves in free space and various materials. Transmission and reflection at media interfaces. Polarization, skin-effect.

Course outlines:

1. Various potentials used in electromagnetics. Calibration, basic equations.
2. Conditions at media interfaces (boundary conditions). Wave equation, including sources. Phase and group velocity, damping, polarization, wave impedance, dispersion.
3. Electromagnetic fields in various media - interaction. Polarization, magnetization.
4. Power transmission. Plane, cilindrical and spherical waves. Fermato principle.
5. Waves at media interfaces, including lossy ones. Snell's law, Fresnell equations.
6. Total reflection and evanescent waves. Brewster angle and polarization.
7. Wave interaction with layered media. Quarter-wave transformer..
8. Lines supporting TEM waves. Telegraph equations. Characteristic and wave impedance. Power transmission, losses.
9. Guided and evanescent waves. Modes, impedance, phase and group velocities, power trřansmission.
10. Dielectric waveguides. Resonators.
11. Integral formulation of dynamic fields. Green's function, retarded potentials. Elementary radiators.
12. Near, intermediary and farfield description of fields emited by radiators.
13. Waves in anisotropic media (including interfaces with such one).
14. Introduction to numerical electromagnetics.

Exercises outline:

1. Scalar and vector potential, Hertz vectors.
2. Conditions at media interfaces (boundary conditions). Wave equation, including sources. Phase and group velocity, damping, polarization, wave impedance, dispersion.
3. Electromagnetic fields in various media - interaction. Polarization, magnetization. Total transmission.
4. Power transmission. Plane, cilindrical and spherical waves.
5. Simple calculations of waves reflecting at interfaces between dielectrics..
6. Detailed calculation of reflection and surface waves for arbitrary incident waves and media.
7. Design of a quarter-wave transformer. Propagation through layered media. Lens coating.
8. Design considerations for a coaxial line and connectors.
9. Guided and evanescent waves.Calculation of arbitrary-crossection waveguide properties.
10. Dielectric waveguides - propagation constants, evanescent fields, coating thickness. Resonators. Calculation of resonant frequencies for different modes.
11. Field description - elementary radiators.
12. Nearfield and farfield description of fields excited by elementary and quarter-wave dipoles..
13. Evaluation of propagation parameters in inisotropis media.
14. Simple field solution using FDTD.


Hayt, Jr., W. H., Buck, J. A.: Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2012 Stratton, J. A.: Electromagnetic Theory. John Wiley and sons. IEEE Press, Piscataway 2007


Knowledge of calculus in 1-D, 2D and 3D. Vectors, Scalar and vector products. Operations with complex numbers.

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BKEEK_2016 Common courses PV 6

Page updated 15.2.2025 17:51:01, semester: L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)