Subject description - BD5B36PRP

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BD5B36PRP Procedural Programming
Roles:P Extent of teaching:14KP+6KC
Department:13136 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Jelínek I. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Jelínek I. Credits:6
Tutors:Jelínek I. Semester:Z

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The course accompanies basic programming emphasizing the data representation in computer memory. Furthermore, the concepts of linked data structures and processing user inputs are developed. Students master the practical implementation of simple individual tasks. The course emphasizes acquiring programming habits for creating readable and reusable programs. At the same time, the effort is to build students an overview of the program operation, data model, memory access, and management. Therefore, the C programming language is used that provides a direct link between the program data structures and their representation in the computer memory. Students will get acquainted not only with program compilation and linking but also with debugging and profiling. Labs aim to acquire practical skills of implementing simple individual tasks, emphasizing functionality and accuracy of implementation. Student independence is developed by a set of homework with the possibility of optional and bonus assignments. The final task is an integration of a larger program using existing implementations. Evaluation of coding style motivated by writing legible, understandable, and maintainable codes is also a part of the selected tasks.

Study targets:

Gaining experience with programming and gaining programming habits of creating functional and properly implemented programs. Acquiring the writing of readable, understandable, easy-to-maintain, and reusable programs. Understanding foreign codes.


The course accompanies basic programming emphasizing the data representation in computer memory. Furthermore, the concepts of linked data structures and processing user inputs are developed. Students master the practical implementation of simple individual tasks. The course emphasizes acquiring programming habits for creating readable and reusable programs. At the same time, the effort is to build students an overview of the program operation, data model, memory access, and management. Therefore, the C programming language is used that provides a direct link between the program data structures and their representation in the computer memory. Students will get acquainted not only with program compilation and linking but also with debugging and profiling. Labs aim to acquire practical skills of implementing simple individual tasks, emphasizing functionality and accuracy of implementation. Student independence is developed by a set of homework with the possibility of optional and bonus assignments. The final task is an integration of a larger program using existing implementations. Evaluation of coding style motivated by writing legible, understandable, and maintainable codes is also a part of the selected tasks.

Course outlines:

1. Course information, Introduction to programming and data representation
2. Introduction to programming in C
3. Writing code in C, control structures
4. Control structures, expressions, and functions
5. Arrays, pointers, and text strings.
6. Pointers, storage classes, and function calls
7. Structures and unions; Numerical accuracy and internal representation of numerical types
8. Standardní C library; Recursion
9. Linked structures
10. Trees
11. Abstract Data Type (ADT) - stack, queue, and priority queue
12. Priory queue (heap) and its usage in shortest pathfinding in a graph
13. (Reserve) Brief introducion to C++
14. (Reserve) C++ by examples

Exercises outline:

Practical exercises focus on acquiring and practicing programming habits to create readable and portable codes independently. Task assignments are submitted to the evaluation system and tested for robust handling of the input values. During the semester, students earn points for submitted assignments and tests. The scoring of the task consists of points for the correctness and efficiency of the code and points that take into account the quality of the source codes, their readability, and reusability.
1. Introductory exercises - the first program in C
2. Input and output of the program
3. Control structures, functions, and program debugging
4. Loops
5. Nested loops
6. Arrays and text strings
7. Dynamic allocation
8. Debugging
9. Recursion
10. Structures and linked lists
11. Working with files
12. Dividing Programs into Modules
13. (Reserve) Consultations for semester assignments
14. (Reserve) Consultations for semester assignments


• Kochan: Programming in C, (3rd Edition or later), 2014. • King: C Programming: A Modern Approach, (2nd Edition or later), 2008. • Klemens: 21st Century C: C Tips from the New School, 2012. • Sedgewick, Wayne: Algorithms (4th Edition or later), 2011. • Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, (3rd Edition or later), 2009.


The main topics for the course exam are: expressions, control structures, program structuring, procedures and functions, parameter passing mechanism, value and reference calls; Abstract data type; C program translation and language data types; structured data types, arrays, files, pointers, pointers, and arrays.


Procedural programming, algorithmization, C language

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BKEEK_2016 Common courses P 1

Page updated 10.2.2025 05:51:07, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)