Subject description - BE4M36PUI
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The course covers the problematic of automated planning in artificial intelligence and focuses especially on domain independent models of planning problems: planning as a search in the space of states (state-space planning), in the space of plans (plan-space planning), heuristic planning, planning in graph representation of planning problems (graph-plan) or hierarchical planning. The students will also learn about the problematic of planning under uncertainty and the planning model as a decision-making in MDP and POMDP.
Course outlines:
1. | | Introduction to the problematic of automated planning in artificial intelligence |
2. | | Representation in form of search in the space of states (state-space planning) |
3. | | Heuristic planning using relaxations |
4. | | Heuristic planning using abstractions |
5. | | Structural heuristics |
6. | | The Graphplan algorithm |
7. | | Compilation of planning problems |
8. | | Representation of the planning problem in form of search in the space of plans (plan-space planning) |
9. | | Hierarchical planning |
10. | | Planning under uncertainty |
11. | | Model of a planning problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) |
12. | | Model of a planning problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) |
13. | | Introduction to planning in robotics |
14. | | Applications of automated planning |
Exercises outline:
1. | | Planning basics, representation, PDDL and planners |
2. | | State-space planning, Assignment 1 |
3. | | Relaxation heuristics, Assignment 1 Consultations |
4. | | Abstraction heuristics, Assignment 1 Deadline |
5. | | Landmark heuristics, Assignment 1 Results/0-point Deadline |
6. | | Linear Program formulation of heuristics |
7. | | Compilations |
8. | | Partial-order planning |
9. | | Hierarchical Planning |
10. | | Planning with uncertainty, Assignment 2 |
11. | | Planning for MDPs, Assignment 2 Consultations |
12. | | Planning for POMDPs, Assignment 2 Consultations |
13. | | Monte Carlo tree search, Assignment 2 Deadline |
14. | | Consultations of exam topics, Assignment 2 Results/0-point Deadline, Credit |
* Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau, Paolo Traverso: Automated Planning: Theory & Practice, Elsevier, May 21, 2004
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Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |