Subject description - BE1M16RES

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BE1M16RES Development of Energy Systems
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:2P+2S
Department:13116 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:Z

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In this subject the basic questions of power stations design is solved. This design is discussed from viewpoint of ecology and level of used technology. Special focus is on future importance of classical and renewable energy resources. These kinds of energy resources are considered as the most important factor of future development of appropriate power industry systems. The subject provides overview of practical application of modern technologies to guarantee the development of energetic systems.

Course outlines:

1. Definition of basic kinds of energetic systems, characterization of its segments and relationships between each part of energetic system.
2. Historical aspects of contemporary European Community policy of energy
3. Aspects of EU policy of energy
4. Energy in production function
5. Structure of resources and consumption side of energy balance
6. Energy demanding of GDP
7. Methods of prediction in power industry, changes in consumer behavior.
8. Measurement and evaluation of electricity and gas in the Czech Republic
9. Mining, transport and use of oil and gas, advanced technologies and their economic aspects
10. Mining and use of coal, advanced technologies and their economic aspects
11. Basic features of particular nuclear power plant principles incl. it's fuel cycle.
12. Progresive technology in energy and transportation sectors
13. Actual questions about world energy sectors.
14. Summary, reserve

Exercises outline:

1. Analysis of mining and energy commodity price progress.
2. Analysis of mining and energy commodity price progress.
3. Variants of complex thermal power plant retrofit.
4. Variants of complex thermal power plant retrofit.
5. Variants of complex thermal power plant retrofit.
6. Effectiveness of CHP (combined heat and power production).
7. Conceptual design of thermal power station and it's localization.
8. Conceptual design of thermal power station and it's localization.
9. Conceptual design of thermal power station and it's localization.
10. Integrated and non-waste energetic technologies.
11. Prognosis of development and practical use of progressive technologies.
12. Analysis of electricity generation development in CR by the year 2030.
13. Analysis of resources and consumption side of energy balance of CR and appropriate indexes by the year 2050.
14. Basic principles of Europe policy creation from viewpoint of sustainable development.


1. Turner,C.: Energy Management Handbook. Lilburn USA, The Fairmont Press 1995
2. Janouch F., Schleicher S.: Energy for Sustainable Development. Karolinum Press 2005.
3. World Energy Outlook - 2007 Edition, OECD
4. Agency for the Cooperation of Energy. Working towards an internal energy market for the benefit of all EU consumers. Ljubljana, Slovenia : ACER, 2011. ISBN 978-92-95083-01-1.


Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
MEEEM4_2018 Management of Power Engineering and Electrotechnics PV 2,3

Page updated 15.2.2025 17:51:01, semester: L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)