Subject description - BE1M16MAR

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BE1M16MAR Marketing
Roles:PZ Extent of teaching:2P+2S
Department:13116 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Pešek O. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Pešek O. Credits:5
Tutors:Pešek O. Semester:L

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The role and functions of the marketing management. Marketing research and marketing information system. Concepts of marketing strategy. The use of product life cycle and portfolio. Marketing-mix. Product and service policy, pricing and contractation policy, communication, distribution. Controlling and audit.

Course outlines:

1. Management and marketing
2. The marketing concept of the management in the firm
3. Marketing research
4. The behaviour of demand side and the market segmentation
5. The strategy product/market
6. Methods of strategy planning
7. Marketing-mix
8. Product, assortment and service policy
9. Innovation, differentiation, variation
10. Contractation policy, pricing
11. Communication policy - publicity, advertising etc.
12. The choice of distribution channels and sales
13. The choice of marketing strategies
14. Marketing controlling and audit, development of marketing.

Exercises outline:

1. Managerial circle, management tools
2. Management concept, marketing concept
3. Marketing research - forms and methods
4. The choice of research methods
5. Inquiring, results evaluation
6. Strength/weakness analysis
7. The product life cycle
8. Product portfolio
9. The firm`s assortment policy
10. Pricing
11. The choice of advertising media
12. Marketing strategy, marketing-mix
13. Final test
14. Evaluation, credit


1. Kotler, P., Keller, K. L: Marketing Management. 14th Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc. 2011. ISBN-10: 0132102927
2. Lilien, G.L., Rangaswamy A., De Bruyn, A.: Principles of Marketing Engineering, 2nd Edition, State College PA, 2013. ISBN 9780985764807
3. Randall, G.: Principles of Marketing, Thomson Learning 2001


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