Subject description - B0B39ITT1

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B0B39ITT1 Applied Multimedia and Technology I
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13139 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Berka R. Completion:KZ
Lecturers:Berka R. Credits:6
Tutors:Berka R. Semester:Z

Web page:


The two-semester course is realized in cooperation of Academy of Performing Arts and Czech Technical University. The target group for the course are students of art academy and technical faculties interesting in connection of technologies and art applications. The content of the course is characterized as work with space and time through images, light and sound using technical and software tools. The course has form of seminaries, workshops, team work, and excursions. The student projects given in the first semester are then realized in summer semester during course The art of intermedia and technologies II. The technical equipment of laboratory is accessible to students under conditions specified on start of the course. The actual information about the course are presented on website of Institute of intermedia:

Study targets:

The goal of the course is to improve possibilities of communication among students with different type of thinking. The contact of students from technical and art schools should lead to extension of students' view of the same problems or of the world surrounding us in general.


The course consists of seminars and workshops (according to the updated program for each semester), during which students of technical and artistic disciplines gradually seek the topic of joint projects. Ongoing theme of the project ready for implementation, is then submitted at the end of the semester.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction to the course and laboratory of Institute of Intermedia
2. Audio & Video Tools - tools for sound and video processing in real time
3. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
4. Audio & Video Tools - connecting them together
5. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
6. Audio & Video Tools - small team project
7. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
8. Physical Computing - basic elements
9. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
10. Physical Computing - algorithm in silicon - programming tools
11. Team work on project - experiment
12. Physical Computing - small team project
13. Team work project - experiment
14. Team work on project - concept delivery

Exercises outline:

1. Introductory workshop and laboratory of Institute of Intermedia
2. Workshop: Audio & Video Tools - tools for sound and video processing in real time
3. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
4. Workshop: Audio & Video Tools - connecting them together
5. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
6. Workshop: Audio & Video Tools - small team project
7. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
8. Workshop: Physical Computing - basic elements
9. Excursion (visit to one of laboratories or studios at organizing schools)
10. Workshop: Physical Computing - algorithm in silicon - programming tools
11. Team work on project - experiment
12. Workshop: Physical Computing - small team project
13. Team work project - experiment
14. Team work on project - concept delivery


Jay David Bolter a Richard Grusin, Remediace, Teorie vědy, 13, č. 2 Dick Higgins: Synesthesia and Intersenses: Intermedia. Massimo Banzi: Getting Started with Arduino, Make; 1 edition (October 15, 2008), ISBN-10: 0596155514 Nick Moran: Performance Lighting Design: How To Light For The Stage, Concerts, Exhibitions And Live Events, Methuen, Feb 2008, ISBN: 0713677570


Technical and creative skills, depending on previous studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ie programming experience in any programming language (ideally C, C ++, python) or experience in electrical circuit design and work with sensors.


The course is frequented also by students of art academies


Intermedia, multimedia, internet, remote communication, virtual reality, computer animation, scenic production, scene lighting, television graphics.

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester

Page updated 14.3.2025 17:51:17, semester: Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, L/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)