Subject description - B4M38KRP

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B4M38KRP Computer Interfaces
Roles:PO Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13138 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Novák J. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Novák J. Credits:6
Tutors:Sobotka J. Semester:Z

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Students are acquainted with functional principles of computers and embedded systems communication interfaces and with a design of typical peripherals. Technologies like USB, PCI, and PCI Express, wired and wireless computer and sensor networks as well as industrial distributed systems like CAN and LIN are introduced. Project oriented laboratories will allow students to become familiar with implementation of communication hardware and software into the real devices, including their support in operating systems.

Study targets:

The main goals are to prepare student to be able to design and integrate suitable communication interfaces within an embedded system design from both the hardware and software points of view.

Course outlines:

1. High-speed parallel and serial interfaces, physical limits
2 - 4. PCI and PCI Express, functional principles, transaction optimization, QoS
5. Implementation of PCI and PCI Express peripherals
6. USB functional principles
7. USB embedded Master, USB on the go
8. Technical and economic parameters of implementation of I/O interfaces and peripherals
9. I/O device drivers for OS Windows and Linux
10. IEEE802.3, VLAN, auto-negotiation, PoE
11.-13.  Industrial distributed technologies (EIA-485, EIA-232, CAN, LIN)
14. Reserve

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction of laboratory projects, project selection
2. Introduction to development tool, first project
3. Individual project (USB, Ethernet, WiFi, ZigBee, ...)
4. Individual project
5. Individual project
6. Individual project
7. Individual project
8. Individual project presentation, partial evaluation
9. Individual project
10. Individual project
11. Individual project
12. Individual project
13. Individual project
14. Final project presentation, assesment


Zurawski, R.: Networked Embedded Systems, CRC Press 2009, ISBN-13: 978-1439807613


Basic knowledge of computer architectures, embedded systems and C programming language.


computer interface, embedded system, communication

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
MPOI4_2018 Computer Engineering PO 3

Page updated 14.3.2025 15:51:22, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)