Subject description - B1B13VST

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B1B13VST Technology in Electrical Engineering
Roles:P Extent of teaching:3P+2L
Department:13113 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:L

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Production systems in electrical engineering will be characterized, their arrangement and basic technologies for mechanical joints and plastic parts. Manufacturing of windings,drying and impregnation processes will also been presented. Next part of a course will be focused on basic technologies for semiconductors including power integration. Beam technologies, technologies using plasma, packaging and basic assembly technologies will also been presented.

Study targets:

Students learn basic types of technological processes used in electrical production as well as with basic types of power electronic components and their properties.

Course outlines:

1. Basic semiconductor structures. Characteristics, technological possibilities, realizations.
2. Power PIN and Schottky diodes. Static and dynamic parameters. Static and dynamic characteristics. Applications.
3. Current controlled devices. Thyristors (SCR), GTO, GTC, IGCT. Applications.
4. Voltage controlled devices (VDMOS, TMOS). IGBT, Structure and parameters. Applications.
5. Power integration. Power modules, principles, construction, technology. IPM. Cooling. Applications.
6. Beam technology in electrical engineering. Plasma technology in electrical engineering. Technology based on power electrical field.
7. Packaging of components for power electrical engineering.
8. Film technology and film components for power electrical engineering. Rapid prototyping.
9. HF and dielectric heating. Applications.
10. Winding of electrical machines - types, technology, drying, applications
11. Magnetic circuits of electrical machines - types, technology
12. Technology of surface finishes and protective layers.
13. Production systems in electrical engineering, types, arrangement.

Exercises outline:

1. Organization of labs, safety in the laboratory, explanation and demonstration of tasks 1 to 2
2. Explanation and demonstration of tasks 3 to 6
3. Vacuum drying and impregnation.
4. Soft soldering in electrical engineering.
5. Joining of power cables.
6. Joining of conductors and cables. Test.
7. Drilling and checking of PC boards.
8. Sputtering and evaporation of thin films.
9. Explanation and demonstration of tasks 7 to 9.
10. Task 7
11. Task 8
12. Task 9
13. Checking of laboratory results.
14. Assessment.


1. Benda, V. et al: Power Semiconductor Devices - Theory and Applications, J. Wiley, 1999
2. Bruce, R. G. et al.: Modern Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Prentice Hall, 2003
3. Pokharel, B. P., Karki, R. N.: Electrical Engineering Materials. Alpha Science, Oxford, 2007
4. Herman, S. L.: Electrical machines and transformers. Cengape Learning. 2012


A student must attend at a practical training and must obtain an assessment before examination. A knowledge of lectured matter and laboratory tasks will be required at examination.


Power electronic components, basic technological processes

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPEEM1_2016 Applied Electrical Engineering P 4
BPEEM_BO_2016 Common courses P 4
BPEEM2_2016 Electrical Engineering and Management P 4

Page updated 16.1.2025 17:51:11, semester: L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)