Subject description - BD6B39ZMT

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BD6B39ZMT Foundations of Multimedia Production
Roles:P Extent of teaching:6KP+6KL
Department:13139 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:KZ
Lecturers:  Credits:3
Tutors:  Semester:Z

Web page:


The course familiarizes students with the basic principles of acquisition and processing of multimedia content, with a focus on image processing, video and audio, as well as the principles of graphic design and its implementation in a web environment. The course is organized within the block teaching when, within four days, students gradually pass each section of the course divided into two lectures and two workshops each day. Students will acquire the practical principles in the acquisition and processing of multimedia content while they use several different types of instruments at the application level and at the level of simple code. All students will apply the knowledge gained within the last day dedicated to composition rules within a Web project. After completing the course, students will carry out their own independent project and after its submission will be assessed.

Study targets:

The course aims to provide students with basic information from the acquisition and processing of multimedia content so as to achieve a uniform level of knowledge in this area throughout the study program.


Fundamentals of Multimedia Production The course consists of the four blocks of lectures, exercises at the same day where procedures from lectures are verified, and a semester project.

Course outlines:

1. Digital image - color, chromatic diagram, image formats, transparency, acquisition of graphical information (photography, rendering, assembly, 2D construction drawing).
2. Working with digital images - composition, conversion, graphics applications, programming tools and techniques.
3. Video - video formats, video quality parameters, video composition, acquisition and transmission of video camera and its controls.
4. Working with video - editing techniques, basic rules of editing, tools for video processing.
5. Sound - audible signal and its forms (analog and digital) formats for storing sound. Concepts tone, tone color, rhythm, attack, reverb. Acquisition of sound, microphones and their characteristics.
6. Working with sound - a sound signal vs. musical component vs. general sound, sound compositions, software and hardware tools for working with sound.
7. Graphic design - composition and size, work with colors, fonts, design analysis of the finished website.
8. Network and Web Technologies - Support for the presentation of multimedia content from the web technologies, network video transmissions: the string used for streaming video, streaming protocols, servers and their options.

Exercises outline:

1. Taking a photo. Resolution, noise, light, depth of field. Fieldwork.
2. The processing of digital images. Composition, color adjustments, retouching. Working in the computer lab.
3. Video capture. The camera and its settings. Rule axis technology scene. Fieldwork.
4. Processing of the video. Cut operation and their selection, transforming movie (translation, rotation, scaling). The composition of the video. Working in the computer lab.
5. Capturing sound. Microphone and recording device. A technique for capturing of one and multi-channel audio. Fieldwork.
6. Processing of sound. Filtering, noise. Editing the sound and composition of more audio signals. Working in the computer lab.
7. Processing of graphic design. Using material from previous exercises. Working in the computer lab.
8. Implementation of graphic design. Using the treated material and incorporate it into the design of the website.


1. Žára a kol.: Moderní počítačová grafika, Computer Press Brno, 2004, ISBN: 80-251-0454-0.
Doporučená literatura: Manuály a tutoriály ke grafickým aplikacím Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, GIMP, Audacity dostupné na internetu. Viz příklady odkazů: - GIMP: - Adobe Premiere: - Adobe Photoshop:


The subject is the input rate surveillance and assumes no theoretical knowledge of the field. An experience with some of the applications in the field of editing raster images or video processing is welcome.


The course has the form of block education for 4 weeks. 4p + 2d + 4L


multimedia, image, video, sound, video editing, photo editing

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BKSIT Common courses P 1

Page updated 10.11.2024 17:55:37, semester: L/2023-4, Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)