Subject description - BE5B15EN1

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BE5B15EN1 Power Engineering 1
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:2P+2C
Department:13115 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Müller Z. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Doležel I., Müller Z. Credits:5
Tutors:Doležel I., Ghanem S., Müller Z. Semester:L

Web page:


The course informs students about basic principles and topologies of electrical transmission and distribution systems. There are explained key system elements and their parameters, steady, transient and failure phenomena, main rules for dimensioning and protecting.

Course outlines:

1. Electrical power system
2. Overhead power lines parameters
3. Cable power lines and transformers parameters
4. Voltage drops and steady states
5. Short-circuits in ES
6. Ground fault in distribution systems
7. Power transmission stability
8. Electrical protections for generators and transformers
9. Electrical protections for power lines, protecting in LV systems
10. Electrical substations
11. Grounding and dimensioning
12. Frequency and voltage control in ES
13. Auxiliary and system services
14. Reserve

Exercises outline:

1. Electrical power system
2. Overhead power lines parameters
3. Cable power lines and transformers parameters
4. Voltage drops and steady states
5. Short-circuits in ES
6. Ground fault in distribution systems
7. Power transmission stability
8. Electrical protections for generators and transformers
9. Electrical protections for power lines, protecting in LV systems
10. Electrical substations
11. Grounding and dimensioning
12. Frequency and voltage control in ES
13. Auxiliary and system services
14. Reserve


Girsby L.L.: Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, Third Edition, CRC Press, FL 2012 Haynes G.: Electric Power Transmission. American Press, New York 2017. Study materials are available at


Requirements to obtain the assessment are exercises attendance and a term thesis elaborating. Successful exam passing is determined in the Study and Examination Code of CTU in Prague.

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BEECS Common courses PV 4
BPEECS_2018 Common courses PV 4

Page updated 5.2.2025 17:51:10, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)