Subject description - BE5B14SP1

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BE5B14SP1 Electric Machinery and Apparatus 1
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:3P+2L
Department:13114 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Mindl P. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Chomát M., Mindl P. Credits:5
Tutors:Haubert T., Košík M., Mindl P., Zedník J. Semester:L


Electric drive and its components. Electromechanical energy conversion. Rotational converters - DC machines, induction motors, synchronous generators and motors. Special electric machines, actuators. Static converters - transformers. There are presented operational principles, main constructional scheme and characteristics, applications. Switching theory. Interaction between turn-off switch and switched circuit. Basic theory and characteristic of electric arc. Transient recovery voltage. Switching overvoltage. Low voltage protection apparatuses

Course outlines:

1. Electric drive and its components. Electromechanical energy conversion. Electrotechnical laws application
2. DC machines, principles, design, main characteristics. Generators and motors
3. Starting and braking of motors. Common DC machine characteristics, commutation principles
4. Transformers, principles and design, main characteristics. Three-phase transformer winding accouplement
5. Main work states, parallel operation. AC rotating electromechanical converters, rotating magnetic field
6. Induction machines, principles, use, characteristics. Single-phase induction motor
7. Energetic electric machines. Synchronous generators. Synchronous motors, principles, constructional design
8. Introduction to switching problems. Switching apparatus operational principles. Switching arc in circuit breakers
9. DC current interrupting, Influence of circuit induction and disconnecting speed on switching over-voltage
10. AC current interrupting. Influence of an arc voltage, breaking current deformation
11. Transient recovery voltage (TRV). Influence of TRV on the switching process
12. Switching over-voltage in AC circuits. Small inductive current- and capacitive current breaking
13. Circuits breakers for low voltage circuits, characteristics and application rules
14. Protecting apparatuses - residual current circuit breakers, over-voltage arresters

Exercises outline:

1. Introduce to labs, security laws, laboratory rule, adjustable sources and their control
2. Starting and reversation of DC motors. Torque- and speed measurement. Tachodynamo calibration
3. Independent excited motor - load characteristics
4. Speed control of independent excited DC motor
5. Transformer - no load and short circuit operation measurement, standby circuit
6. Induction motor - starting, mechanical characteristics
7. Synchronous generator - synchronizing with the network, operation on the network
8. Contactor combinations
9. Programmable relay in distributor boxes control - I 10.Programmable relay in distributor boxes control - II
11. Overcurrent relais, switching characteristics
12. Contactors V - C characteristics
13. Contactor current path overheating measurement
14. Reparation measurements, credit


1. Chapman,S.J.: Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1985
2. Flurscheim, C.H., Power Circuit Breaker, Theory and Design. IEE.1982


Active participation on laboratory measurement, document administration in due form, measure result processing, submit of test reports

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPEECS_2018 Common courses PV 4
BEECS Common courses PV 4

Page updated 6.11.2024 17:51:42, semester: Z/2025-6, Z/2024-5, L/2023-4, L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)