Subject description - B6B36SMP

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B6B36SMP Analysis and Modeling of Software Requirements
Roles:P Extent of teaching:2P+3C+3D
Department:13136 Language of teaching:
Guarantors:Komárek M. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Komárek M. Credits:6
Tutors:Farkaš T., Groschup D., Jurica J., Komárek M., Švehla A. Semester:L

Web page:


This course covers the topic of requirements engineering. Their gathering, analysis, documentation, management, ... Students also will gain knowledge on using the most widely spread graphic notation - UML.

Study targets:

Hlavním cílem předmětu je seznámit studenty s problematikou získávání, dokumentace a udržování požadavků na softwarové produkty. Dále se v rámci řešení týmových projektů naučí i lépe porozumět specifikům týmové práce.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction, system context, idea/vision document, stakeholders
2. Requirements category and levels
3. Requirements gathering/mining
4. Domentation of requirements using natural languange
5. UML activity diagram
6. UML class diagram
7. UML use case diagram
8. Detailed use case specification, use case scenario
9. UML sequence diagram - use case realization
10. UML state diagram
11. UML component and deployment diagram
12. Requirements validation and negotiation
13. Requirements management, prioritizating, change requirements
14. Summary

Exercises outline:

Project team consultations.
1. Introduction, system context, idea/vision document, stakeholders
2. Requirements category and levels
3. Requirements gathering/mining
4. Domentation of requirements using natural languange
5. UML activity diagram
6. UML class diagram
7. UML use case diagram
8. Detailed use case specification, use case scenario
9. UML sequence diagram - use case realization
10. UML state diagram
11. UML component and deployment diagram
12. Requirements validation and negotiation
13. Requirements management, prioritizating, change requirements
14. Summary


[1] Arlow, J., Neustat, I.: UML 2 and unified process. Computer Press, ISBN: 978-80-251-1503-9, Praha 2007.
[2] FOWLER, Martin. Destiled UML. Praha: Grada, 2009, 173 s. ISBN 978-80-247-2062-3.
[3] Klaus Pohl and Chris Rupp. 2011. Requirements Engineering Fundamentals: A Study Guide for the Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Exam - Foundation Level - IREB Compliant (1st ed.). Rocky Nook.


Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPSIT Common courses P 2
BPSIT_2021 Common courses P 2
BPSIT4_2021 Technologie internetu věcí P 2
BPSIT3_2021 Business informatics P 2
BPSIT2_2021 Technologie pro multimédia a virtuální realitu P 2
BPSIT1_2021 Enterprise systémy P 2

Page updated 3.12.2024 17:51:38, semester: L/2024-5, L/2023-4, Z/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)