Subject description - AD7B16MVY

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AD7B16MVY Marketing research
Roles:  Extent of teaching:14+6s
Department:13116 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:L

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Marketing as business philosophy and system of market-oriented functions. Marketing information system. Principles and characteristics of marketing research and its role in managerial decision-making. Marketing research procedure (preparation, project formation, collection of primary and secondary data, research from quality and quantity aspects, data processing, analysis and interpretation). Application of marketing research on different spheres, activities and organizational forms and management. Project orientation of the course. Group verification of marketing research on accessible examples.


Course outlines:

1. Marketing concept of management. Market orientation of the firm.
2. Marketing and management of the firm, relation to other firm?s acitivities. Value-creating chain and inside/outside conflicts. Solution methods.
3. Marketing as business philosophy and system of functions. Learning and realization character of marketing. Marketing organization in the firm.
4. Management information system, its principle, content and forms. Principles and types of marketing research. Phases of marketing research.
5. Preparation. Formulation of goals and research spheres in marketing. Hypotheses formulation. Definition of the market and its analysis.
6. Primary and secondary data. Characteristics of primary data. Sources of secondary data. Assessment of data sources application. Accomplishment of research project and choice of respondents.
7. Organizational and technical support of the research. Timetable of actions, selection of the results analysis method. Cost budget. Ethical side of marketing research.
8. Research from quality and quantity aspects. Creating the questionnaire: on paper, personally, by phone, by internet. Observational research.
9. Individual interview, group interview, panel research, experiment.
10. Results processing, application of results. Methods of the market development forecasting.
11. Typical marketing research spheres: macroeconomic environment research, competition research, strengths and weaknesses analysis, analysis of distribution channels.
12. Customer analysis. Market segmentation.
13. Product research. Analysis of customer requirements and satisfaction. Communication research, price research, demand research.
14. Choice of agency. Assessment of results. (Reserve.)

Exercises outline:

1. Principles and goals of marketing research ? discussion.
2. Solution teams formation. Distribution of assignments on different topics.
3. Marketing research design activities.
4. Marketing research design activities.
5. Marketing research design activities.
6. Marketing research design activities.
7. Marketing research design activities.
8. Marketing research design activities.
9. Dtto.
10. Conclusion of projects processed.
11. Dtto.
12. Dtto.
13. Study results test.
14. Credits. Reserve.


Tull, D. S., Hawklins, D.I.: Marketing Research, New York 1990 Kotler, P.: Marketing Management, Prentice Hall,Inc., 2002


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